The TimeScaleTextFormat type exposes the following members.


Initializes a new instance of the TimeScaleTextFormat class.


Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
GetType (Inherited from Object.)
MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
ToString (Inherited from Object.)


Gets the date and time-based instance of the TimeScaleTextFormat class, formatting the specified date and time using the g pattern, resulting values such as 1/1/2008 9:00 AM, and 12/31/2008 12:30 PM.
Gets the day-based instance of the TimeScaleTextFormat class, formatting the specified date and time using the %d format pattern, resulting values such as 9, and 31.
Gets the day leading zero-based instance of the TimeScaleTextFormat class, formatting the specified date and time using the dd format pattern, resulting values such as 09, and 31.
Gets the day of week-based instance of the TimeScaleTextFormat class, formatting the specified date and time using the dddd format pattern, resulting values such as Sunday, and Monday.
Gets the day of week abbreviation-based instance of the TimeScaleTextFormat class, formatting the specified date and time using the ddd format pattern, resulting values such as Sun, and Mon.
Gets the day of week initial-based instance of the TimeScaleTextFormat class, formatting the specified date and time using the ddd format pattern and extracting only the first character, resulting values such as S, and M.
Gets the day of week two initials-based instance of the TimeScaleTextFormat class, formatting the specified date and time using the ddd format pattern and extracting only the first two characters, resulting values such as Su, and Mo.
Gets the day of year-based instance of the TimeScaleTextFormat class, extracting the day of year from the specified date and time, resulting values such as 9, and 365.
Gets the day of year leading zero-based instance of the TimeScaleTextFormat class, extracting the day of year from the specified date and time and formatting it using the 000 pattern, resulting values such as 009, and 365.
Gets the hour-based instance of the TimeScaleTextFormat class, formatting the specified date and time using the %H format pattern, resulting values such as 9, and 21.
Gets the hour leading zero-based instance of the TimeScaleTextFormat class, formatting the specified date and time using the HH format pattern, resulting values such as 09, and 21.
Gets the long date-based instance of the TimeScaleTextFormat class, formatting the specified date and time using the D pattern, resulting values such as Tuesday, January 1, 2008, and Wednesday, December 31, 2008.
Gets the long time-based instance of the TimeScaleTextFormat class, formatting the specified date and time using the T pattern, resulting values such as 9:00:00 AM, and 12:30:00 PM.
Gets the month-based instance of the TimeScaleTextFormat class, formatting the specified date and time using the MMMM format pattern, resulting values such as September, and December.
Gets the month abbreviation-based instance of the TimeScaleTextFormat class, formatting the specified date and time using the MMM format pattern, resulting values such as Sep, and Dec.
Gets the month and day-based instance of the TimeScaleTextFormat class, formatting the specified date and time using the M format pattern, resulting values such as January 1, and December 31.
Gets the numeric month-based instance of the TimeScaleTextFormat class, formatting the specified date and time using the %M format pattern, resulting values such as 9, and 12.
Gets the numeric month leading zero-based instance of the TimeScaleTextFormat class, formatting the specified date and time using the MM format pattern, resulting values such as 09, and 12.
Gets the short date-based instance of the TimeScaleTextFormat class, formatting the specified date and time using the d pattern, resulting values such as 1/1/2008, and 12/31/2008.
Gets the short time-based instance of the TimeScaleTextFormat class, formatting the specified date and time using the t pattern, resulting values such as 9:00 AM, and 12:30 PM.
Gets the week start long date-based instance of the TimeScaleTextFormat class, getting the start of week date and formatting it using the D pattern, resulting values such as Tuesday, January 1, 2008, and Wednesday, December 31, 2008.
Gets the week start short date-based instance of the TimeScaleTextFormat class, getting the start of week date and formatting it using the d pattern, resulting values such as 1/1/2008, and 12/31/2008.
Gets the year-based instance of the TimeScaleTextFormat class, formatting the specified date and time using the yyyy format pattern, resulting values such as 1997, and 2008.
Gets the year and month-based instance of the TimeScaleTextFormat class, formatting the specified date and time using the y format pattern, resulting values such as January, 2008, and December, 2008.
Gets the year of century-based instance of the TimeScaleTextFormat class, formatting the specified date and time using the yy format pattern, resulting values such as 97, and 08.

See Also