Basic object collection management engine that uses an entity collection to wrap the objects internally. Inheriters can provide initialization and change management operations for managing customized collections using the internal entity collection. Use Items property to set your own entity data item collection to manage and use Entities property to access the managed entity collection mapping your items. It is recommended to use a single EntityManager instance for each set of distinct data items and data member properties at any specific time, and to use the Dispose method to release the resources used by an instance that is no longer needed.

Namespace:  DlhSoft.Windows.Data
Assembly:  DlhSoft.Data.Core (in DlhSoft.Data.Core.dll)


public class EntityManager : DependencyObject, 
	ISupportInitializeNotification, IDisposable
Visual Basic (Declaration)
<LocalizabilityAttribute(LocalizationCategory.Ignore)> _
<ContentPropertyAttribute("Items")> _
Public Class EntityManager _
	Inherits DependencyObject _
	Implements ISupportInitializeNotification, IDisposable

Inheritance Hierarchy

See Also