Converts the specified string representation of a date to its Date equivalent using the specified array of formats, culture-specific format information, and formatting style. The format of the string representation must match at least one of the specified formats exactly.

Namespace:  DlhSoft.Windows.Data
Assembly:  DlhSoft.ProjectData.GanttChart.LightWPF.Controls (in DlhSoft.ProjectData.GanttChart.LightWPF.Controls.dll)


public static bool TryParseExact(
	string s,
	string[] formats,
	IFormatProvider provider,
	DateTimeStyles styles,
	out Date result
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Shared Function TryParseExact ( _
	s As String, _
	formats As String(), _
	provider As IFormatProvider, _
	styles As DateTimeStyles, _
	<OutAttribute> ByRef result As Date _
) As Boolean


Type: System..::.String
A string containing a date to convert.
Type: array< System..::.String >[]()[]
An array of expected formats of s.
Type: System..::.IFormatProvider
An IFormatProvider that supplies culture-specific format information about ss.
Type: System.Globalization..::.DateTimeStyles
A bitwise combination of DateTimeStyles values that indicates the permitted format of s. A typical value to specify is None.
Type: DlhSoft.Windows.Data..::.Date %
When this method returns, contains the Date value equivalent to the date contained in s, if the conversion succeeded, or MinValue if the conversion failed. The conversion fails if either the s or formats is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic), s or an element contained by formats is an empty string, or the format of s is not exactly as specified by an element of the format patterns in formats. This parameter is passed uninitialized.

Return Value

true if the s parameter was converted successfully; otherwise, false.

See Also