Class | Description | |
AllocationItem |
Represents an allocation item within a LoadChartItem element.
| |
AssignmentComboBox |
Represents a selection control that combines a text box and a drop-down containing a list box that allows users to select multiple assigned resource and optionally assignment allocation units (percentages) from a list.
| |
AssignmentListBox |
Represents a selection control that contains a list box that allows users to select multiple assigned resource and optionally assignment allocation units (percentages) from a list.
| |
AvailableAssignmentItem |
Represents an available item displayed within an assignments selector control.
| |
DataGridColumnCollection |
Represents a collection of DataGridColumn objects, used by the GanttChartDataGrid control (Columns property).
| |
DataTreeGrid |
Displays hierarchical data in a customizable tree-grid based on DataGrid control.
| |
DataTreeGridColumn |
Represents a DataTreeGrid column that hosts hierarchy nodes in its cells.
| |
DataTreeGridItem |
Represents an item within a DataTreeGrid control.
| |
DataTreeGridItemCollection |
Represents a hierarchical data collection used internally by DataTreeGrid control.
| |
DependencyLinePresenter |
Represents a control that presents a dependency line generated by a predecessor item in the GanttChartView control.
| |
DragAssignmentThumb |
Represents a thumb control that allows moving task assignments among resources using drag and drop operations in a ScheduleChartView control.
| |
DragAssignmentThumb..::.CompletingDragEventArgs |
Event arguments for the CompletingDrag event.
| |
DragDependencyThumb |
Represents a thumb control that allows creating task dependencies by drag and drop operations in a GanttChartView control.
| |
DragDependencyThumb..::.CompletingDragEventArgs |
Event arguments for the CompletingDrag event.
| |
DragTaskThumb |
Represents a thumb control that allows updating task timing properties (such as start, finish, and completion) by drag and drop operations in GanttChartView control, and vertical position of tasks in the managed hierarchy by drag and drop operations in GanttChartDataGrid control.
| |
DragTaskThumb..::.CompletingDragEventArgs |
Event arguments for the CompletingDrag event.
| |
GanttChartDataGrid |
Displays task data in a customizable DataTreeGrid based on DataGrid control and an attached GanttChartView separated by a splitter.
| |
GanttChartDataGrid..::.CopyingEventArguments |
Represents arguments for events occuring during copy and paste operations.
| |
GanttChartDataGrid..::.DocumentPaginator |
Represents a document paginator for printing the contents of a GanttChartDataGrid control.
| |
GanttChartDataGrid..::.PrintingPage |
Represents a page that is to be printed within the PrintingTemplate.
| |
GanttChartDataGrid..::.ProjectXmlSerializer |
Represents a data serializer used to persist the contents of a GanttChartDataGrid control within a Project XML file.
| |
GanttChartItem |
Represents an item within a GanttChartView or GanttChartDataGrid control.
| |
GanttChartItemCollection |
Represents a Gantt Chart related data collection used internally by GanttChartView and GanttChartDataGrid controls.
| |
GanttChartView |
Displays task data using a customizable Gantt Chart based on ItemsControl control.
| |
GanttChartView..::.CreatingDependencyLineEventArgs |
Represents the CreatingDependencyLine event arguments.
| |
GanttChartView..::.DocumentPaginator |
Represents a document paginator for printing the contents of a GanttChartView control.
| |
GanttChartView..::.ItemAdorner |
Represents generic item customizations for the chart area (including grid lines stroke and alternating item background information).
| |
GanttChartView..::.ItemNonworkingHighlight |
Represents nonworking highlight customizations for the chart area.
| |
GanttChartView..::.ItemNonworkingHighlightInterval |
Represents a nonworking highlight interval displaied for a GanttChartView..::.ItemNonworkingHighlight.
| |
GanttChartView..::.PrintingPage |
Represents a page that is to be printed within the PrintingTemplate.
| |
GanttChartView..::.ProjectXmlSerializer |
Represents a data serializer used to persist the contents of a GanttChartView control within a Project XML file.
| |
GanttChartView..::.ProjectXmlSerializer..::.AssignableResourceInfoLoadingEventArgs |
Represents event arguments for AssignableResourceInfoLoading event.
| |
GanttChartView..::.ProjectXmlSerializer..::.AssignmentInfoLoadingEventArgs |
Represents event arguments for AssignmentInfoLoading event.
| |
GanttChartView..::.ProjectXmlSerializer..::.AssignmentInfoSavingEventArgs |
Represents event arguments for AssignmentInfoSaving event.
| |
GanttChartView..::.ProjectXmlSerializer..::.ElementLoadingEventArgs |
Represents base event arguments for element loading events.
| |
GanttChartView..::.ProjectXmlSerializer..::.ElementSavingEventArgs |
Represents base event arguments for element saving events.
| |
GanttChartView..::.ProjectXmlSerializer..::.GanttChartItemLoadingEventArgs |
Represents event arguments for GanttChartItemLoading event.
| |
GanttChartView..::.ProjectXmlSerializer..::.GanttChartItemSavingEventArgs |
Represents event arguments for GanttChartItemSaving event.
| |
GanttChartView..::.ProjectXmlSerializer..::.PredecessorItemLoadingEventArgs |
Represents event arguments for PredecessorItemLoading event.
| |
GanttChartView..::.ProjectXmlSerializer..::.PredecessorItemSavingEventArgs |
Represents event arguments for PredecessorItemSaving event.
| |
GanttChartView..::.ProjectXmlSerializer..::.ResourceInfoSavingEventArgs |
Represents event arguments for ResourceInfoSaving event.
| |
ItemActivatedEventArgs |
Provides data for the ItemActivated event.
| |
LoadChartDataGrid |
Displays resource and task data in a customizable DataGrid control and an attached Load Chart based on ScheduleChartView separated by a splitter.
| |
LoadChartItem |
Represents an item within a LoadChartView or LoadChartDataGrid control.
| |
LoadChartItemCollection |
Represents a Load Chart related data collection used internally by LoadChartView and LoadChartDataGrid controls.
| |
LoadChartView |
Displays resource allocation data using a customizable Load Chart based on ScheduleChartView control.
| |
NodeItemsConverter |
Converts custom node items to a collection of DataTreeGridItem objects (as required by Items properties of DataTreeGrid component).
Use *Member properties of the converter instance to control which properties of custom items are bound to which DataTreeGridItem properties (undefined/null Member values indicate properties that are not bound and default values are automatically generated for these properties on DataTreeGridItem objects instead).
The converter uses reflection to retreive the appropriate property values from your custom data objects and apply them to the corresponding DataTreeGridItem instances.
Referred member properties of custom items should be public and accessible for reading and optionally writing (property paths are not supported).
Set UpdateSourceOnTargetChanges and/or UpdateTargetOnSourceChanges properties to true/false to indicate the directions of internally managed change updates.
Note that UpdateTargetOnSourceChanges works only when the custom data source implements INotifyCollectionChanged interface and/or custom data objects implement INotifyPropertyChanged interface.
When UpdateSourceOnTargetChanges is set new objects that need to be created are generated by Activator.CreateInstance internal calls, and therefore they need to provide public access to their parameterless constructor (or their default constructor).
| |
PredecessorItem |
Represents a predecessor item generating a dependency between another task and the current task, within the PredecessorItemCollection (Predecessors property) of a GanttChartItem object.
| |
PredecessorItemCollection |
Represents a predecessor item collection that generates dependencies between other tasks and the current task, defined by GanttChartItem objects as their Predecessors property.
| |
ResourceItemsConverter |
Converts custom resource items referring custom task items to a collection of ScheduleChartItem objects referring GanttChartItem objects (as required by Items properties of ScheduleChartDataGrid and ScheduleChartView components).
Use *Member properties of the converter instance to control which properties of custom items are bound to which ScheduleChartItem and GanttChartItem properties (undefined/null Member values indicate properties that are not bound and default values are automatically generated for these properties on ScheduleChartItem and GanttChartItem objects instead).
The converter uses reflection to retreive the appropriate property values from your custom data objects and apply them to the corresponding ScheduleChartItem and GanttChartItem instances.
Referred member properties of custom items should be public and accessible for reading and optionally writing (property paths are not supported).
Set UpdateSourceOnTargetChanges and/or UpdateTargetOnSourceChanges properties to true/false to indicate the directions of internally managed change updates.
Note that UpdateTargetOnSourceChanges works only when the custom data source implements INotifyCollectionChanged interface and/or custom data objects implement INotifyPropertyChanged interface.
When UpdateSourceOnTargetChanges is set new objects that need to be created are generated by Activator.CreateInstance internal calls, and therefore they need to provide public access to their parameterless constructor (or their default constructor).
| |
Scale |
Represents a scale within the ScaleCollection (Scales property) of a GanttChartView control, generating scale intervals and header texts to be displayed by the control.
| |
ScaleCollection |
Represents a scale collection that generates scale intervals and header texts to be displayed by GanttChartView control.
| |
ScaleInterval |
Represents a scale interval within the interval collection (Intervals property) of a Scale object to be displayed as a scale header by a GanttChartView control.
| |
ScheduleChartDataGrid |
Displays resource and task data in a customizable DataGrid control and an attached Schedule Chart based on GanttChartView separated by a splitter.
| |
ScheduleChartDataGrid..::.CopyingEventArguments |
Represents arguments for events occuring during copy and paste operations.
| |
ScheduleChartItem |
Represents an item within a ScheduleChartView or ScheduleChartDataGrid control.
| |
ScheduleChartItemCollection |
Represents a Schedule Chart related data collection used internally by ScheduleChartView and ScheduleChartDataGrid controls.
| |
ScheduleChartView |
Displays task data using a customizable Schedule Chart based on GanttChartView control.
| |
TaskExpander |
Represents an expander control that may be used to expand and collapse a summary task item.
| |
TaskItemsConverter |
Converts custom task items optionally referring custom predecessor items to a collection of GanttChartItem objects referring PredecessorItem objects (as required by Items properties of GanttChartDataGrid and GanttChartView components).
Use *Member properties of the converter instance to control which properties of custom items are bound to which GanttChartItem and PredecessorItem properties (undefined/null Member values indicate properties that are not bound and default values are automatically generated for these properties on GanttChartItem and PredecessorItem objects instead).
The converter uses reflection to retreive the appropriate property values from your custom data objects and apply them to the corresponding GanttChartItem and PredecessorItem instances.
Referred member properties of custom items should be public and accessible for reading and optionally writing (property paths are not supported).
Set UpdateSourceOnTargetChanges and/or UpdateTargetOnSourceChanges properties to true/false to indicate the directions of internally managed change updates.
Note that UpdateTargetOnSourceChanges works only when the custom data source implements INotifyCollectionChanged interface and/or custom data objects implement INotifyPropertyChanged interface.
When UpdateSourceOnTargetChanges is set new objects that need to be created are generated by Activator.CreateInstance internal calls, and therefore they need to provide public access to their parameterless constructor (or their default constructor).
| |
TaskPresenter |
Represents a control that presents a task item in the GanttChartView control.
| |
VirtualSummaryInitiallyExpandedEventArgs |
Event data for VirtualSummaryInitiallyExpanded event.
Interface | Description | |
IAllocationItem |
Represents an allocation item within an ILoadChartItem element.
| |
IAssignmentSelector |
Represents a selection control that allows users to select multiple assigned resource and optionally assignment allocation units (percentages) from a list.
| |
IGanttChartItem |
Represents an item within an IGanttChartView control.
| |
IGanttChartView |
Represents a control that displays task data using a customizable Gantt Chart.
| |
ILoadChartItem |
Represents an item within an ILoadChartView control.
| |
ILoadChartView |
Represents a control that displays resource and task data using a customizable Load Chart.
| |
IPredecessorItem |
Represents a predecessor item generating a dependency between another task and the current task, within the Predecessors property of an IGanttChartItem object.
| |
IScheduleChartItem |
Represents an item within an IScheduleChartView control.
| |
IScheduleChartView |
Represents a control that displays resource and task data using a customizable Schedule Chart.
Delegate | Description | |
DependencyCreationValidator |
Defines a delegate method that returns a value that indicates whether a new task dependency can be created between two specified task items.
| |
DependencyDeletionValidator |
Defines a delegate method that returns a value that indicates whether a task dependency generated by a specific predecessor item can be deleted.
| |
DragAssignmentThumb..::.CompletingDragEventHandler |
Delegate type for the CompletingDrag event.
| |
DragDependencyThumb..::.CompletingDragEventHandler |
Delegate type for the CompletingDrag event.
| |
DragTaskThumb..::.CompletingDragEventHandler |
Delegate type for the CompletingDrag event.
| |
ItemActivatedEventHandler |
Represents an item activated event handler method.
| |
ScaleIntervalProvider |
Represents an interval provider function that can be used with the Custom scale type.
| |
TimeScaleTextProvider |
Represents a header content provider function that can be used with the Custom header content format.
Enumeration | Description | |
DependencyType |
Represents the type of a task dependency generated by a PredecessorItem.
| |
DragTaskThumbRole |
Represents a role that a DragTaskThumb control may have when it is used in a task template definition.
| |
ScaleType |
Represents a scale type generating appropriate Gantt Chart scale intervals for a specific scale in GanttChartView control.
| |
TimeScaleTextFormat |
Represents a time scale text format for Gantt Chart scale interval headers of a specific scale in GanttChartView control.