Gets the minimum date and time greater or equal than the specified date and time that is visible in the chart and considered as a nonworking time, determined based on the time not included in the working week and working day definitions, or included in the defined nonworking time intervals. If the resulting date and time cannot be less than TimelinePageFinish, then TimelinePageFinish is returned.

Namespace:  DlhSoft.Windows.Controls
Assembly:  DlhSoft.ProjectData.GanttChart.LightWPF.Controls (in DlhSoft.ProjectData.GanttChart.LightWPF.Controls.dll)


DateTime GetPreviousNonworkingTime(
	DateTime dateTime,
	Schedule schedule
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Function GetPreviousNonworkingTime ( _
	dateTime As DateTime, _
	schedule As Schedule _
) As DateTime


Type: System..::.DateTime
The date and time to get the next visible nonworking time for.
Type: DlhSoft.Windows.Data..::.Schedule
Optionally, a schedule object to use instead of the default working and nonworking time intervals.

Return Value

The minimum date and time greater or equal than the specified date and time that is visible in the chart and considered as a nonworking time.

See Also