Sets the predecessors of the specified task in the control based on a string value defining predecessor indexes, optionally followed by dependency type abbreviations (FS, SS, FF, or SF) and/or lag times (in hours, with plus or minus sign prefix), and separated by commas.

Namespace:  DlhSoft.Windows.Controls
Assembly:  DlhSoft.ProjectData.GanttChart.LightWPF.Controls (in DlhSoft.ProjectData.GanttChart.LightWPF.Controls.dll)


void SetPredecessors(
	GanttChartItem item,
	string predecessorsString
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Sub SetPredecessors ( _
	item As GanttChartItem, _
	predecessorsString As String _


Type: DlhSoft.Windows.Controls..::.GanttChartItem
The task item to set the predecessors of.
Type: System..::.String
A string value defining predecessor indexes to set, optionally followed by dependency type abbreviations (FS, SS, FF, or SF) and/or lag times (in hours, with plus or minus sign prefix), and separated by commas.

See Also