Iterates successor items of the specified item in the Network Diagram related collection (i.e. those that have the specified item defined as a predecessor of any dependency type) as PredecessorItem objects.

Namespace:  DlhSoft.Web.UI.WebControls.Pert
Assembly:  DlhSoft.ProjectData.PertChart.ASP.Controls (in DlhSoft.ProjectData.PertChart.ASP.Controls.dll)


public IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<NetworkDiagramItem, NetworkPredecessorItem>> GetSuccessorPredecessorItems(
	NetworkDiagramItem item
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Function GetSuccessorPredecessorItems ( _
	item As NetworkDiagramItem _
) As IEnumerable(Of KeyValuePair(Of NetworkDiagramItem, NetworkPredecessorItem))

See Also