Defining task bar templates and improving touch capabilities with Gantt Chart Hyper/Web/Modern Library

To set up a specific task bar template when using Gantt Chart Hyper Library, you need to use ganttChartView.settings.*TaskTemplate and/or item.taskTemplate properties. A fully working example for improving touch capabilities of the presentation is presented below:

ganttChartView.standardTaskTemplate = function (item) {
    var control = item.ganttChartView, settings = control.settings, document = control.ownerDocument,
        svgns = '';
    // Create, if needed, and store and manage the SVG group element that will represent the task bar area.
    if (typeof item.taskBarAreaContainerGroup === 'undefined')
        item.taskBarAreaContainerGroup = document.createElementNS(svgns, 'g');
    var containerGroup = item.taskBarAreaContainerGroup;
    for (var i = containerGroup.childNodes.length; i-- > 0; )
    // Determine item positioning values.
    var itemLeft = control.getChartPosition(item.start, settings),
        itemRight = control.getChartPosition(item.finish, settings),
        itemCompletedRight = control.getChartPosition(item.completedFinish, settings);
    // SVG rectangle element that will represent the main bar of the task (blue).
    var rect = document.createElementNS(svgns, 'rect');
    rect.setAttribute('x', itemLeft); rect.setAttribute('width', Math.max(0, itemRight - itemLeft - 1));
    rect.setAttribute('y', settings.barMargin - 0.5); rect.setAttribute('height', settings.barHeight + 0.5);
    rect.setAttribute('style', 'stroke: Blue; fill: LightBlue; stroke-width: 0.65px; fill-opacity: 0.5;');
    if (settings.isTaskCompletedEffortVisible) {
        // SVG rectangle element that will represent the completion bar of the task (gray).
        var completionRect = document.createElementNS(svgns, 'rect');
        completionRect.setAttribute('x', itemLeft);
        completionRect.setAttribute('y', settings.barMargin + settings.completedBarMargin - 0.5);
        completionRect.setAttribute('width', Math.max(0, itemCompletedRight - itemLeft - 1));
        completionRect.setAttribute('height', settings.completedBarHeight + 0.5);
            'stroke: Gray; fill: Gray; stroke-width: 0.65px; fill-opacity: 0.5;');
    // SVG rectangle element that will behave as a task bar thumb,
    // providing horizontal drag and drop operations for the main task bar.
    var thumb = document.createElementNS(svgns, 'rect');
    thumb.setAttribute('x', itemLeft); thumb.setAttribute('width', Math.max(0, itemRight - itemLeft - 1));
    thumb.setAttribute('y', settings.barMargin); thumb.setAttribute('height', settings.barHeight);
    thumb.setAttribute('style', 'fill: Transparent; cursor: move');
    // SVG rectangle element that will behave as a task finish time editing thumb,
    // providing horizontal drag and drop operations for the right end of the main task bar.
    var finishThumb = document.createElementNS(svgns, 'rect');
    finishThumb.setAttribute('x', itemRight - 8);
    finishThumb.setAttribute('y', settings.barMargin);
    finishThumb.setAttribute('width', 10);
    finishThumb.setAttribute('height', settings.barHeight);
    finishThumb.setAttribute('style', 'fill: Transparent; cursor: e-resize');
    control.initializeTaskDraggingThumbs(thumb, null, finishThumb, null, item, itemLeft, itemRight, null);
    if (settings.areTaskDependenciesVisible) {
        // SVG circle element that will behave as a task dependency creation thumb,
        // providing vertical drag and drop operations for the right end of the main task bar.
        var dependencyThumb = document.createElementNS(svgns, 'circle');
        dependencyThumb.setAttribute('cx', itemRight - 2);
        dependencyThumb.setAttribute('cy', settings.barMargin + settings.barHeight / 2);
        dependencyThumb.setAttribute('r', settings.barHeight / 4);
        dependencyThumb.setAttribute('style', 'fill: Transparent; cursor: pointer');
        control.initializeDependencyDraggingThumb(dependencyThumb, containerGroup, item,
            settings.barMargin + settings.barHeight / 2, itemRight - 2);
    return containerGroup;

To set up a specific task bar client side template when using Gantt Chart Web Library, you need to use GanttChartView.*TaskTemplateClientCode and/or GanttChartItem.TaskTemplateClientCode properties. An example, partially using the same JavaScript® code as for Gantt Chart Hyper Library is presented below:

GanttChartView.StandardTaskTemplateClientCode = @"
    var settings = control.settings, document = control.ownerDocument,
        svgns = '';
    // Create, if needed, and store and manage the SVG group element that will represent the task bar area.
    if (typeof item.taskBarAreaContainerGroup === 'undefined')
        item.taskBarAreaContainerGroup = document.createElementNS(svgns, 'g');
    var containerGroup = item.taskBarAreaContainerGroup;
    for (var i = containerGroup.childNodes.length; i-- > 0; )
    return containerGroup;";

To set up a specific task bar client side template when using Gantt Chart Modern Library, you need to use GanttChartView.*TaskTemplateCode and/or GanttChartItem.TaskTemplateCode properties. An example, partially using the same JavaScript® code as for Gantt Chart Hyper Library is presented below (note that internally the WinRT controls from Gantt Chart Modern Library use HTML5 based components, requiring JavaScript® template functions and CSS styles, and therefore they do not support XAML styles and templates):

GanttChartView.StandardTaskTemplateCode = @"
    var settings = control.settings, document = control.ownerDocument,
        svgns = '';
    // Create, if needed, and store and manage the SVG group element that will represent the task bar area.
    if (typeof item.taskBarAreaContainerGroup === 'undefined')
        item.taskBarAreaContainerGroup = document.createElementNS(svgns, 'g');
    var containerGroup = item.taskBarAreaContainerGroup;
    for (var i = containerGroup.childNodes.length; i-- > 0; )
    return containerGroup;";