Saving images exported from Gantt Chart Light Library to client files in Silverlight™

While the WPF demo application allows the end user to export images from Gantt Chart Light Library components and save them as images files on their computer, in the Silverlight™ demo (i.e. Get Started sample) application we have only shown how you can export images from Gantt Chart Light Library components and present them within external Image elements.

However, you can also save the image data (exported as BitmapSource objects) as client files using Silverlight™ using FileSaveDialog. Writing to the stream retrieved using its OpenFile method requires the bytes of the image though, and therefore you also need to encode the image data as a byte array.

As Silverlight™ platform itself may not provide appropriate image encoders, developers can either develop custom code or use third party specialized libraries to perform this task. Please check these articles for more information: