The TaskItem type exposes the following members.


Public methodTaskItem
Initializes a new TaskItem instance.


Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodOnPropertyChanged
Raises PropertyChanged event.
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)


Public propertyAssignments
Gets a collection of AssignmentItem objects that represent the resource assignments of the current task item optionally having associated allocation units specified to be considered by the TaskManager component.
Public propertyCompletedFinish
Gets or sets the finish date and time of the completion time interval of the current task item.
Public propertyExecutionCost
Gets or sets the execution cost of this task.
Public propertyFinish
Gets or sets the finish date and time of the current task item.
Public propertyGlobalKey
Gets or sets an associated external globally unique key for the current item.
Public propertyHasChanged
Indicates whether the task has been changed, e.g. due to management operations.
Public propertyIndentation
Gets or sets the hierarchical indentation level of the current item in the containing collection.
Public propertyIsMilestone
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the current task item is to be displayed as a milestone (and triggering Finish property value to be equal to Start property value).
Public propertyIsParentSummarizationEnabled
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the current task item is to be considered when aggregating child items and computing parent summary task values.
Public propertyIsSummaryEnabled
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the current task item is to be considered as a summary task and aggregate child item values.
Public propertyKey
Gets or sets an associated external numeric key for the current item.
Public propertyMaxFinish
Gets or sets the maximum finish date and time of the current task item.
Public propertyMaxStart
Gets or sets the maximum start date and time of the current task item.
Public propertyMinFinish
Gets or sets the minimum finish date and time of the current task item.
Public propertyMinStart
Gets or sets the minimum start date and time of the current task item.
Public propertyPredecessors
Gets a collection of PredecessorItem objects that represent the dependencies between other data items and the current item to be considered by the TaskManager component.
Public propertySchedule
Gets or sets an object that indicates the working and nonworking time intervals that should apply to this item.
Public propertyStart
Gets or sets the start date and time of the current task item.
Public propertyTag
Gets or sets an associated external object for the current task item.


Public eventPropertyChanged
Occurs when a managed property of the task changes.

See Also