Gets the maximum date and time less or equal than the specified date and time that is considered as a nonworking time, determined based on the time not included in the working week and working day definitions, or included in the defined nonworking time intervals.

Namespace:  DlhSoft.Windows.Data
Assembly:  DlhSoft.ProjectData.Core (in DlhSoft.ProjectData.Core.dll)


public DateTime GetPreviousNonworkingTime(
	DateTime dateTime,
	Schedule schedule,
	Nullable<TimeSpan> maxSearchSpan
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Function GetPreviousNonworkingTime ( _
	dateTime As DateTime, _
	schedule As Schedule, _
	maxSearchSpan As Nullable(Of TimeSpan) _
) As DateTime


Type: System..::..DateTime
The date and time to get the previous nonworking time for.
Type: DlhSoft.Windows.Data..::..Schedule
Optionally, a schedule object to use instead of the default working and nonworking time intervals.
Type: System..::..Nullable<(Of <(<'TimeSpan>)>)>
The the maximum time span to search.

See Also