The ChartViewBase type exposes the following members.


Initializes a new instance of the ChartViewBase class.


Adds appearance bindings for a managed entity within the control.
Adds a child object.
(Inherited from ItemsControlBase.)
AddLogicalChild (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Adds a text child object.
(Inherited from ItemsControlBase.)
AddToEventRoute (Inherited from UIElement.)
Adds user permission bindings for a managed entity within the control.
Adds visibility bindings for a managed entity within the control.
AddVisualChild (Inherited from Visual.)
ApplyTemplate (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Arrange (Inherited from UIElement.)
ArrangeCore (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
ArrangeOverride (Inherited from Control.)
BeginInit (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Binds the ItemsControl host using the LoadedEntities.
(Overrides ItemsControlBase..::.BindItems()()().)
Binds the item source collection to the current ItemsSource property.
(Inherited from ItemsControlBase.)
CaptureMouse (Inherited from UIElement.)
CaptureStylus (Inherited from UIElement.)
CaptureTouch (Inherited from UIElement.)
CheckAccess (Inherited from DispatcherObject.)
Invoked before a template is applied to the control to ensure that the old template parts are properly cleared.
(Overrides ItemsControlBase..::.ClearTemplateParts()()().)
CoerceValue (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Establishes the entity manager to be used internally by this ItemsControlBase. Inheriters should override this method to be able to provide an instance of their own entity manager type.
(Inherited from ItemsControlBase.)
EndInit (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Ensures that the appropriate entity managers are initialized and available from within the control.
(Inherited from ItemsControlBase.)
Equals (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
FindCommonVisualAncestor (Inherited from Visual.)
FindName (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
FindResource (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Focus (Inherited from UIElement.)
GetAnimationBaseValue (Inherited from UIElement.)
Gets the value of the BarHeight attached property for a specified element such as an entity item, overriding the default value provided by the ChartViewBase control. The BarHeight property value indicates the bar height of an entity item in the ChartViewBase control. Overriding the default value for a specific item requires that the IsItemAppearanceApplied property of the control to be set to true.
Gets the value of the BarVerticalAlignment attached property for a specified element such as an entity item, overriding the default value provided by the ChartViewBase control. The BarVerticalAlignment value indicates the bar vertical alignment (position of the bar in the item row space after applying the bar vertical margin) of an entity item in the ChartViewBase control. Overriding the default value for a specific item requires that the IsItemAppearanceApplied property of the control to be set to true.
Gets the value of the BarVerticalMargin attached property for a specified element such as an entity item, overriding the default value provided by the ChartViewBase control. The BarVerticalMargin property value indicates the bar vertical margin (the emtpy space remaining at the top and at the bottom of the bar) of an entity item in the ChartViewBase control. Overriding the default value for a specific item requires that the IsItemAppearanceApplied property of the control to be set to true.
GetBindingExpression (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Gets the value of the ComputedItemTop attached property for a specified element such as an entity item in the ChartViewBase control. The ComputedItemTop property value indicates the top position of an item row in the ChartViewBase control.
Gets the entity in the ItemsControlBase that wraps the specified item.
(Inherited from ItemsControlBase.)
Gets the height of the content in the exported drawing visual or bitmap source.
Gets the width of the content in the exported drawing visual or bitmap source.
Gets the height of the header in the exported drawing visual or bitmap source.
Gets the sizes of the exported drawing visuals or bitmap sources based on a specific page size.
GetHashCode (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Gets the value of the IsBarItemToolTipEnabled attached property for a specified element such as an entity item. The IsBarItemToolTipEnabled property value indicates whether the item content tool tip is enabled for the bar representing the entity item in the ChartViewBase control. Defining the value for a specific item requires that the IsItemVisibilityApplied property of the control to be set to true.
Gets the value of the IsBarReadOnly attached property for a specified element such as an entity item. The IsBarReadOnly property value indicates whether the bar representing an entity item is read only in the ChartViewBase control. Overriding the default value for a specific item requires that the AreItemUserPermissionsApplied property of the control to be set to true.
Gets the value of the IsBarVisible attached property for a specified element such as an entity item. The IsBarVisible property value indicates whether the bar representing an entity item is visible in the ChartViewBase control. Defining the value for a specific item requires that the IsItemVisibilityApplied property of the control to be set to true.
Gets the value of the IsVirtuallyVisible attached property for a specified element such as an entity item. The IsVirtuallyVisible property value indicates whether the user interface representing an entity item is currently visible in the ChartViewBase control when using virtualizing mode.
Returns the item at the specified position (y-axis coordinate) in the ChartViewBase control.
Gets the value of the ItemBackground attached property for a specified element such as an entity item, overriding the default value provided by the ChartViewBase control. The ItemBackground property value indicates the Brush that specifies how the background of an entity item is painted in the ChartViewBase control. Overriding the default value for a specific item requires that the IsItemAppearanceApplied property of the control to be set to true.
Gets the value of the ItemBorderBrush attached property for a specified element such as an entity item, overriding the default value provided by the ChartViewBase control. The ItemBorderBrush property value indicates the Brush that specifies how the border of an entity item is painted in the ChartViewBase control. Overriding the default value for a specific item requires that the IsItemAppearanceApplied property of the control to be set to true.
Gets the value of the ItemBorderThickness attached property for a specified element such as an entity item, overriding the default value provided by the ChartViewBase control. The ItemBorderThickness property value indicates the thickness of the border of an entity item in the ChartViewBase control. Overriding the default value for a specific item requires that the IsItemAppearanceApplied property of the control to be set to true.
Returns the zero-based index of the item at the specified position (y-axis coordinate) in the ChartViewBase control.
Gets the item template to be used within the ItemsControl host.
(Inherited from ItemsControl.)
GetLayoutClip (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
GetLocalValueEnumerator (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
GetTemplateChild (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
GetType (Inherited from Object.)
GetUIParentCore (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
GetValue (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
GetVisualChild (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Initializes the data context of the ContentControl to be used as an item template.
(Inherited from ItemsControl.)
Invoked when the template is applied to the control to ensure that the required template parts are identified and properly initialized within the control.
(Overrides ItemsControl..::.InitializeTemplateParts()()().)
InputHitTest (Inherited from UIElement.)
InvalidateArrange (Inherited from UIElement.)
InvalidateMeasure (Inherited from UIElement.)
InvalidateProperty (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
InvalidateVisual (Inherited from UIElement.)
IsAncestorOf (Inherited from Visual.)
IsDescendantOf (Inherited from Visual.)
Prepares the entity items to be presented by the control based on the current items and data binding properties.
(Overrides ItemsControlBase..::.LoadEntities()()().)
Measure (Inherited from UIElement.)
MeasureCore (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
MeasureOverride (Inherited from Control.)
MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
MoveFocus (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Moves a range of items to a new index in the managed collection.
(Inherited from ItemsControlBase.)
OnAccessKey (Inherited from UIElement.)
Called when the ActualHeaderHeight property changes.
Called when the AlternationCount property changes.
(Inherited from ItemsControl.)
Invoked whenever application code or internal processes call ApplyTemplate.
(Overrides ItemsControl..::.OnApplyTemplate()()().)
Called when the AreItemUserPermissionsApplied property changes.
Called when the BarHeight property changes.
Called when the BarVerticalAlignment property changes.
Called when the BarVerticalMargin property changes.
OnChildDesiredSizeChanged (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnContextMenuClosing (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
OnContextMenuOpening (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Called when the Count property changes.
(Inherited from ItemsControlBase.)
OnCreateAutomationPeer (Inherited from UIElement.)
Signals that a data binding property such as ItemsSource is changed. Inheriters should call this method from the PropertyChanged callbacks of their own data binding properties.
(Inherited from ItemsControlBase.)
Called when the DisplayMemberPath property changes.
(Inherited from ItemsControl.)
OnDragEnter (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnDragLeave (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnDragOver (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnDrop (Inherited from UIElement.)
Called when the entity activation occurs.
Called when the EntityManagerSource property changes.
(Inherited from ItemsControlBase.)
OnGiveFeedback (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnGotFocus (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
OnGotKeyboardFocus (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnGotMouseCapture (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnGotStylusCapture (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnGotTouchCapture (Inherited from UIElement.)
Called when the HeaderBackground property changes.
Called when the HeaderHeight property changes.
OnInitialized (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Raises the IsAsyncPresentationDeferredChanged event.
(Inherited from ItemsControlBase.)
Called when the IsAsyncPresentationDeferredScrollRatio property changes.
Called when the IsAsyncPresentationEnabled property changes.
(Inherited from ItemsControlBase.)
Called when the IsAsyncPresentationEnabledMinCount property changes.
(Inherited from ItemsControlBase.)
Called when the IsAsyncPresentationEnabledPageSize property changes.
(Inherited from ItemsControlBase.)
Called when the IsItemAppearanceApplied property changes.
Called when the IsItemToolTipEnabled property changes.
Called when the IsItemVisibilityApplied property changes.
OnIsKeyboardFocusedChanged (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnIsKeyboardFocusWithinChanged (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnIsMouseCapturedChanged (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnIsMouseCaptureWithinChanged (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnIsMouseDirectlyOverChanged (Inherited from UIElement.)
Called when the IsReadOnly property changes.
OnIsStylusCapturedChanged (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnIsStylusCaptureWithinChanged (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnIsStylusDirectlyOverChanged (Inherited from UIElement.)
Called when the IsVirtualizing property changes.
Called when the ItemBackground property changes.
Called when the ItemBindingGroup property changes.
(Inherited from ItemsControl.)
Called when the ItemBorderBrush property changes.
Called when the ItemBorderThickness property changes.
Called when the ItemContainerStyle property changes.
(Inherited from ItemsControl.)
Called when the ItemContainerStyleSelector property changes.
(Inherited from ItemsControl.)
Called when the ItemContextMenu property changes.
Called when the ItemHeight property changes.
Invoked when the Items property changes.
(Inherited from ItemsControlBase.)
Called when the ItemsPanel property changes.
(Inherited from ItemsControl.)
Called when the ItemsSource property changes.
(Inherited from ItemsControlBase.)
Called when the ItemStringFormat property changes.
(Inherited from ItemsControl.)
Called when the ItemTemplate property changes.
(Inherited from ItemsControl.)
Called when the ItemTemplateSelector property changes.
(Inherited from ItemsControl.)
OnKeyDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnKeyUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnLostFocus (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnLostKeyboardFocus (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnLostMouseCapture (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnLostStylusCapture (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnLostTouchCapture (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnManipulationBoundaryFeedback (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnManipulationCompleted (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnManipulationDelta (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnManipulationInertiaStarting (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnManipulationStarted (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnManipulationStarting (Inherited from UIElement.)
Called when the MaxHeaderHeight property changes.
Called when the MinHeaderHeight property changes.
OnMouseDoubleClick (Inherited from Control.)
OnMouseDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnMouseEnter (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnMouseLeave (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnMouseLeftButtonDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnMouseLeftButtonUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnMouseMove (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnMouseRightButtonDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnMouseRightButtonUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnMouseUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnMouseWheel (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnPreviewDragEnter (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnPreviewDragLeave (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnPreviewDragOver (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnPreviewDrop (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnPreviewGiveFeedback (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnPreviewGotKeyboardFocus (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnPreviewKeyDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnPreviewKeyUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnPreviewLostKeyboardFocus (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnPreviewMouseDoubleClick (Inherited from Control.)
OnPreviewMouseDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnPreviewMouseMove (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnPreviewMouseRightButtonDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnPreviewMouseRightButtonUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnPreviewMouseUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnPreviewMouseWheel (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnPreviewQueryContinueDrag (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnPreviewStylusButtonDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnPreviewStylusButtonUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnPreviewStylusDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnPreviewStylusInAirMove (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnPreviewStylusInRange (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnPreviewStylusMove (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnPreviewStylusOutOfRange (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnPreviewStylusSystemGesture (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnPreviewStylusUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnPreviewTextInput (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnPreviewTouchDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnPreviewTouchMove (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnPreviewTouchUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnPropertyChanged (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
OnQueryContinueDrag (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnQueryCursor (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnRender (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnRenderSizeChanged (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
OnStyleChanged (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
OnStylusButtonDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnStylusButtonUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnStylusDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnStylusEnter (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnStylusInAirMove (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnStylusInRange (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnStylusLeave (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnStylusMove (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnStylusOutOfRange (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnStylusSystemGesture (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnStylusUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnTemplateChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnTextInput (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnToolTipClosing (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
OnToolTipOpening (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
OnTouchDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnTouchEnter (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnTouchLeave (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnTouchMove (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnTouchUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
OnVisualChildrenChanged (Inherited from Visual.)
OnVisualParentChanged (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
ParentLayoutInvalidated (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
PointFromScreen (Inherited from Visual.)
PointToScreen (Inherited from Visual.)
PredictFocus (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
RaiseEvent (Inherited from UIElement.)
ReadLocalValue (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Refreshes the user interface of the presented items within the control by rebinding their appropriate attached property values to the master values provided by the control instance.
RegisterName (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
ReleaseAllTouchCaptures (Inherited from UIElement.)
ReleaseMouseCapture (Inherited from UIElement.)
ReleaseStylusCapture (Inherited from UIElement.)
ReleaseTouchCapture (Inherited from UIElement.)
RemoveHandler (Inherited from UIElement.)
RemoveLogicalChild (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
RemoveVisualChild (Inherited from Visual.)
Resets the items control host based on the current property values of this ItemsControl.
(Inherited from ItemsControl.)
Sets the value of the BarHeight attached property to a specified element such as an entity item, overriding the default value provided by the ChartViewBase control. The BarHeight property value indicates the bar height of an entity item in the ChartViewBase control. Overriding the default value for a specific item requires that the IsItemAppearanceApplied property of the control to be set to true.
Sets the value of the BarVerticalAlignment attached property to a specified element such as an entity item, overriding the default value provided by the ChartViewBase control. The BarVerticalAlignment value indicates the bar vertical alignment (position of the bar in the item row space after applying the bar vertical margin) of an entity item in the ChartViewBase control. Overriding the default value for a specific item requires that the IsItemAppearanceApplied property of the control to be set to true.
Sets the value of the BarVerticalMargin attached property to a specified element such as an entity item, overriding the default value provided by the ChartViewBase control. The BarVerticalMargin property value indicates the bar vertical margin (the emtpy space remaining at the top and at the bottom of the bar) of an entity item in the ChartViewBase control. Overriding the default value for a specific item requires that the IsItemAppearanceApplied property of the control to be set to true.
SetCurrentValue (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Sets the value of the IsBarItemToolTipEnabled attached property for a specified element such as an entity item. The IsBarItemToolTipEnabled property value indicates whether the item content tool tip is enabled for the bar representing the entity item in the ChartViewBase control. Defining the value for a specific item requires that the IsItemVisibilityApplied property of the control to be set to true.
Sets the value of the IsBarReadOnly attached property for a specified element such as an entity item. The IsBarReadOnly property value indicates whether the bar representing an entity item is read only in the ChartViewBase control. Overriding the default value for a specific item requires that the AreItemUserPermissionsApplied property of the control to be set to true.
Sets the value of the IsBarVisible attached property to a specified element such as an entity item. The IsBarVisible property value indicates whether the bar representing an entity item is visible in the ChartViewBase control. Defining the value for a specific item requires that the IsItemVisibilityApplied property of the control to be set to true.
Sets the value of the ItemBackground attached property to a specified element such as an entity item, overriding the default value provided by the ChartViewBase control. The ItemBackground property value indicates the Brush that specifies how the background of an entity item is painted in the ChartViewBase control. Overriding the default value for a specific item requires that the IsItemAppearanceApplied property of the control to be set to true.
Sets the value of the ItemBorderBrush attached property to a specified element such as an entity item, overriding the default value provided by the ChartViewBase control. The ItemBorderBrush property value indicates the Brush that specifies how the border of an entity item is painted in the ChartViewBase control. Overriding the default value for a specific item requires that the IsItemAppearanceApplied property of the control to be set to true.
Sets the value of the ItemBorderThickness attached property to a specified element such as an entity item, overriding the default value provided by the ChartViewBase control. The ItemBorderThickness property value indicates the thickness of the border of an entity item in the ChartViewBase control. Overriding the default value for a specific item requires that the IsItemAppearanceApplied property of the control to be set to true.
Sets the value of the ItemHeight attached property to a specified element such as an entity item, overriding the default value provided by the ChartViewBase control. The ItemHeight property value indicates the height of an item row in the ChartViewBase control.
SetResourceReference (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
ShouldSerializeCommandBindings (Inherited from UIElement.)
ShouldSerializeInputBindings (Inherited from UIElement.)
ShouldSerializeProperty (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
ShouldSerializeResources (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
ShouldSerializeStyle (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
ShouldSerializeTriggers (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Provides a string representation of this ItemsControlBase object.
(Inherited from ItemsControlBase.)
TransformToDescendant (Inherited from Visual.)
TransformToVisual (Inherited from Visual.)
TranslatePoint (Inherited from UIElement.)
TryFindResource (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
UnregisterName (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
UpdateDefaultStyle (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Called when IsReadOnly property should be updated when other user permission properties are set.
UpdateLayout (Inherited from UIElement.)
Called when IsReadOnly property is set and other user permission properties should be updated.
VerifyAccess (Inherited from DispatcherObject.)


Identifies the ActualHeaderHeight dependency property.
Identifies the AreItemUserPermissionsApplied dependency property.
Identifies the BarHeight attached property.
Identifies the BarVerticalAlignment attached property.
Identifies the BarVerticalMargin attached property.
Identifies the ComputedItemTop dependency property.
Identifies the ComputedItemTop attached property.
Identifies the ElementEffect dependency property.
Identifies the EntityActivated routed event.
Identifies the HeaderBackground dependency property.
Identifies the HeaderHeight dependency property.
Identifies the HoverElementEffect dependency property.
Identifies the IsAsyncPresentationDeferredScrollRatio dependency property.
Identifies the IsBarItemToolTipEnabled attached property.
Identifies the IsBarReadOnly attached property.
Identifies the IsBarVisible attached property.
Identifies the IsItemAppearanceApplied dependency property.
Identifies the IsItemToolTipEnabled dependency property.
Identifies the IsItemVisibilityApplied dependency property.
Identifies the IsReadOnly dependency property.
Identifies the IsVirtualizing dependency property.
Identifies the IsVirtuallyVisible attached property.
Identifies the ItemBackground attached property.
Identifies the ItemBorderBrush attached property.
Identifies the ItemBorderThickness attached property.
Identifies the ItemContextMenu dependency property.
Identifies the ItemHeight attached property.
Identifies the MaxHeaderHeight dependency property.
Identifies the MinHeaderHeight dependency property.


Gets the actual height of the header displayed in the ChartViewBase control. This is a dependency property.
ActualHeight (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
ActualWidth (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
AllowDrop (Inherited from UIElement.)
Gets or sets then number of alternating item containers in the ItemsControl, which enables alternating containers to have a unique appearance. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from ItemsControl.)
AreAnyTouchesCaptured (Inherited from UIElement.)
AreAnyTouchesCapturedWithin (Inherited from UIElement.)
AreAnyTouchesDirectlyOver (Inherited from UIElement.)
AreAnyTouchesOver (Inherited from UIElement.)
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to apply specific attached user permission values if they are set for specific items in the ChartViewBase control. This is a dependency property.
Background (Inherited from Control.)
Gets or sets a value that specifies the bar height of an entity item in the ChartViewBase control. This is a dependency property.
Gets or sets a value that specifies the bar vertical alignment (position of the bar in the item row space after applying the bar vertical margin) of an entity item in the ChartViewBase control. This is a dependency property.
Gets or sets a value that specifies the bar vertical margin (the emtpy space remaining at the top and at the bottom of the bar) of an entity item in the ChartViewBase control. This is a dependency property.
Gets the base ItemsControl used as the core for this control.
(Inherited from ItemsControl.)
BindingGroup (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
BitmapEffect Obsolete. (Inherited from UIElement.)
BitmapEffectInput Obsolete. (Inherited from UIElement.)
BorderBrush (Inherited from Control.)
BorderThickness (Inherited from Control.)
CacheMode (Inherited from UIElement.)
Gets a value indicating whether the chart can be printed.
Clip (Inherited from UIElement.)
ClipToBounds (Inherited from UIElement.)
CommandBindings (Inherited from UIElement.)
Gets the start computed height used by the items in the ChartViewBase control. This is a dependency property.
ContextMenu (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Gets the count of entities managed by this ItemsControlBase. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from ItemsControlBase.)
Cursor (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
DataContext (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
DefaultStyleKey (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
DependencyObjectType (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
DesiredSize (Inherited from UIElement.)
Dispatcher (Inherited from DispatcherObject.)
Gets or sets a path to a value on the source object to serve as the visual representation of the object. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from ItemsControl.)
Effect (Inherited from UIElement.)
Gets or sets the bitmap effect to apply to the elements in the ChartViewBase control. This is a dependency property.
Gets the EntityManager object that is used internally for managing entities displayed by this ItemsControlBase. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from ItemsControlBase.)
Gets or sets a custom EntityManager object to use internally within this ItemsControlBase. When this property is set to an entity manager instance the control items collection is ignored. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from ItemsControlBase.)
FlowDirection (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Focusable (Inherited from UIElement.)
FocusVisualStyle (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
FontFamily (Inherited from Control.)
FontSize (Inherited from Control.)
FontStretch (Inherited from Control.)
FontStyle (Inherited from Control.)
FontWeight (Inherited from Control.)
ForceCursor (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Foreground (Inherited from Control.)
HandlesScrolling (Inherited from Control.)
HasAnimatedProperties (Inherited from UIElement.)
HasEffectiveKeyboardFocus (Inherited from UIElement.)
Gets a value that indicates whether the ItemsControlBase contains items. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from ItemsControlBase.)
Gets or sets a Brush that specifies how the header background is painted in the ChartViewBase control. This is a dependency property.
Gets or sets the height of the header displayed in the ChartViewBase control. This is a dependency property.
Height (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
HorizontalAlignment (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
HorizontalContentAlignment (Inherited from Control.)
Gets or sets the bitmap effect to apply to the hovered elements in the ChartViewBase control. This is a dependency property.
InheritanceBehavior (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
InputBindings (Inherited from UIElement.)
InputScope (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
IsArrangeValid (Inherited from UIElement.)
Gets (or sets, for inheriters) a value indicating whether the asynchrnous data loading is currently deferred.
(Inherited from ItemsControlBase.)
Gets or sets the scroll ratio for which data loading should be deferred within this ChartViewBase when IsAsyncPresentationEnabled property is set to true. This is a dependency property.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to load managed entities asynchronously within this ItemsControlBase. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from ItemsControlBase.)
Gets or sets the initial entity count to load synchronously within this ItemsControlBase before initiating the asynchronous load mode when IsAsyncPresentationEnabled property is set to true. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from ItemsControlBase.)
Gets or sets the initial entity count to load synchronously within this ItemsControlBase before initiating the asynchronous load mode when IsAsyncPresentationEnabled property is set to true. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from ItemsControlBase.)
IsEnabled (Inherited from UIElement.)
IsEnabledCore (Inherited from UIElement.)
Gets a value that indicates whether the current EntityManager is internal.
(Inherited from ItemsControlBase.)
IsFocused (Inherited from UIElement.)
IsHitTestVisible (Inherited from UIElement.)
IsInitialized (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
IsInputMethodEnabled (Inherited from UIElement.)
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to apply specific attached appearance values if they are set for specific items in the ChartViewBase control. This is a dependency property.
Gets a value indicating whether the control is initialized and the ItemsControl host is available.
(Overrides ItemsControlBase..::.IsItemsControlHostInitialized.)
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the item content tool tip is enabled in the ChartViewBase control. This is a dependency property.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to apply specific attached visibility values if they are set for specific items in the ChartViewBase control. This is a dependency property.
IsKeyboardFocused (Inherited from UIElement.)
IsKeyboardFocusWithin (Inherited from UIElement.)
IsLoaded (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Gets a value indicating whether the control is currently loading entities (asynchronously). This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from ItemsControlBase.)
IsManipulationEnabled (Inherited from UIElement.)
IsMeasureValid (Inherited from UIElement.)
IsMouseCaptured (Inherited from UIElement.)
IsMouseCaptureWithin (Inherited from UIElement.)
IsMouseDirectlyOver (Inherited from UIElement.)
IsMouseOver (Inherited from UIElement.)
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the control is read-only to a user interacting with it. This is a dependency property.
IsSealed (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
IsStylusCaptured (Inherited from UIElement.)
IsStylusCaptureWithin (Inherited from UIElement.)
IsStylusDirectlyOver (Inherited from UIElement.)
IsStylusOver (Inherited from UIElement.)
IsTabStop (Inherited from Control.)
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether case is a condition when searching for items. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from ItemsControl.)
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether TextSearch is enabled on the ItemsControl instance. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from ItemsControl.)
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the control is using virtualization, displaying the user interface only for the items within the scroll view. This is a dependency property.
IsVisible (Inherited from UIElement.)
Gets the entity in the ItemsControlBase that wraps the specified item.
(Inherited from ItemsControlBase.)
Gets or sets a Brush that specifies how the background of an entity item is painted in the ChartViewBase control. This is a dependency property.
Gets or sets the BindingGroup that is used for each item in the ItemsControl. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from ItemsControl.)
Gets or sets a Brush that specifies how the border of an entity item is painted in the ChartViewBase control. This is a dependency property.
Gets or sets a Thickness that specifies the thickness of the border of an entity item in the ChartViewBase control. This is a dependency property.
Gets or sets the Style that is applied to the container for element generated for each item. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from ItemsControl.)
Gets or sets custom style selection logic for a style that can be applied to each generated item container element. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from ItemsControl.)
Gets or sets the context menu to be used for an entity in the ChartViewBase control. This is a dependency property.
Gets or sets a value that specifies the height of an item row in the ChartViewBase control. This is a dependency property.
Gets the collection used to generate the content of this ItemsControlBase.
(Inherited from ItemsControlBase.)
Gets the ItemsControl host template part used internally by this ChartViewBase.
Gets or sets the template that defines the panel that controls the layout of items. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from ItemsControl.)
Gets or sets a collection of items used to generate the content of this ItemsControlBase. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from ItemsControlBase.)
Gets or sets a composite string that specifies how to format the items in the ItemsControl if they are displayed as strings. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from ItemsControl.)
Gets or sets the DataTemplate to be used to display each item. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from ItemsControl.)
Allows the application writer to provide custom logic for choosing a template used to display each item. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from ItemsControl.)
Language (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
LayoutTransform (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Gets the entities that are currently loaded within this ItemsControlBase. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from ItemsControlBase.)
Gets or sets the overriding source collection for loaded entities that would be displayed in the items control host of the control. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from ItemsControlBase.)
LogicalChildren (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Gets the entity collection managed by this ItemsControlBase. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from ItemsControlBase.)
Margin (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Gets or sets the maximum height of the header displayed in the ChartViewBase control. This is a dependency property.
MaxHeight (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
MaxWidth (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Gets or sets the minimum height of the header displayed in the ChartViewBase control. This is a dependency property.
MinHeight (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
MinWidth (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Name (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Opacity (Inherited from UIElement.)
OpacityMask (Inherited from UIElement.)
OverridesDefaultStyle (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Padding (Inherited from Control.)
Parent (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
PersistId Obsolete. (Inherited from UIElement.)
RenderSize (Inherited from UIElement.)
RenderTransform (Inherited from UIElement.)
RenderTransformOrigin (Inherited from UIElement.)
Resources (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Gets a reference to the internal ScrollViewer control instance used by the ChartViewBase control.
SnapsToDevicePixels (Inherited from UIElement.)
Style (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
StylusPlugIns (Inherited from UIElement.)
TabIndex (Inherited from Control.)
Tag (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Template (Inherited from Control.)
TemplatedParent (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
ToolTip (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
TouchesCaptured (Inherited from UIElement.)
TouchesCapturedWithin (Inherited from UIElement.)
TouchesDirectlyOver (Inherited from UIElement.)
TouchesOver (Inherited from UIElement.)
Triggers (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Uid (Inherited from UIElement.)
UseLayoutRounding (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
VerticalAlignment (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
VerticalContentAlignment (Inherited from Control.)
Visibility (Inherited from UIElement.)
Gets or sets the visibility filter to apply on the managed entities.
(Inherited from ItemsControlBase.)
VisualBitmapEffect Obsolete. (Inherited from Visual.)
VisualBitmapEffectInput Obsolete. (Inherited from Visual.)
VisualBitmapScalingMode (Inherited from Visual.)
VisualCacheMode (Inherited from Visual.)
VisualChildrenCount (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
VisualClearTypeHint (Inherited from Visual.)
VisualClip (Inherited from Visual.)
VisualEdgeMode (Inherited from Visual.)
VisualEffect (Inherited from Visual.)
VisualOffset (Inherited from Visual.)
VisualOpacity (Inherited from Visual.)
VisualOpacityMask (Inherited from Visual.)
VisualParent (Inherited from Visual.)
VisualScrollableAreaClip (Inherited from Visual.)
VisualTextHintingMode (Inherited from Visual.)
VisualTextRenderingMode (Inherited from Visual.)
VisualTransform (Inherited from Visual.)
VisualXSnappingGuidelines (Inherited from Visual.)
VisualYSnappingGuidelines (Inherited from Visual.)
Width (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)


ContextMenuClosing (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
ContextMenuOpening (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
DataContextChanged (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
DragEnter (Inherited from UIElement.)
DragLeave (Inherited from UIElement.)
DragOver (Inherited from UIElement.)
Drop (Inherited from UIElement.)
Occurs when an entity is activated in the ChartViewBase control.
FocusableChanged (Inherited from UIElement.)
GiveFeedback (Inherited from UIElement.)
GotFocus (Inherited from UIElement.)
GotKeyboardFocus (Inherited from UIElement.)
GotMouseCapture (Inherited from UIElement.)
GotStylusCapture (Inherited from UIElement.)
GotTouchCapture (Inherited from UIElement.)
Initialized (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Occurs when IsAsyncPresentationDeferred value is changed.
(Inherited from ItemsControlBase.)
IsEnabledChanged (Inherited from UIElement.)
IsHitTestVisibleChanged (Inherited from UIElement.)
IsKeyboardFocusedChanged (Inherited from UIElement.)
IsKeyboardFocusWithinChanged (Inherited from UIElement.)
IsMouseCapturedChanged (Inherited from UIElement.)
IsMouseCaptureWithinChanged (Inherited from UIElement.)
IsMouseDirectlyOverChanged (Inherited from UIElement.)
IsStylusCapturedChanged (Inherited from UIElement.)
IsStylusCaptureWithinChanged (Inherited from UIElement.)
IsStylusDirectlyOverChanged (Inherited from UIElement.)
IsVisibleChanged (Inherited from UIElement.)
KeyDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
KeyUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
LayoutUpdated (Inherited from UIElement.)
Loaded (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
LostFocus (Inherited from UIElement.)
LostKeyboardFocus (Inherited from UIElement.)
LostMouseCapture (Inherited from UIElement.)
LostStylusCapture (Inherited from UIElement.)
LostTouchCapture (Inherited from UIElement.)
ManipulationBoundaryFeedback (Inherited from UIElement.)
ManipulationCompleted (Inherited from UIElement.)
ManipulationDelta (Inherited from UIElement.)
ManipulationInertiaStarting (Inherited from UIElement.)
ManipulationStarted (Inherited from UIElement.)
ManipulationStarting (Inherited from UIElement.)
MouseDoubleClick (Inherited from Control.)
MouseDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
MouseEnter (Inherited from UIElement.)
MouseLeave (Inherited from UIElement.)
MouseLeftButtonDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
MouseLeftButtonUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
MouseMove (Inherited from UIElement.)
MouseRightButtonDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
MouseRightButtonUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
MouseUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
MouseWheel (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewDragEnter (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewDragLeave (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewDragOver (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewDrop (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewGiveFeedback (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewGotKeyboardFocus (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewKeyDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewKeyUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewLostKeyboardFocus (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewMouseDoubleClick (Inherited from Control.)
PreviewMouseDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewMouseMove (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewMouseRightButtonDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewMouseRightButtonUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewMouseUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewMouseWheel (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewQueryContinueDrag (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewStylusButtonDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewStylusButtonUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewStylusDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewStylusInAirMove (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewStylusInRange (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewStylusMove (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewStylusOutOfRange (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewStylusSystemGesture (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewStylusUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewTextInput (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewTouchDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewTouchMove (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewTouchUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
QueryContinueDrag (Inherited from UIElement.)
QueryCursor (Inherited from UIElement.)
RequestBringIntoView (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
SizeChanged (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
SourceUpdated (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
StylusButtonDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
StylusButtonUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
StylusDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
StylusEnter (Inherited from UIElement.)
StylusInAirMove (Inherited from UIElement.)
StylusInRange (Inherited from UIElement.)
StylusLeave (Inherited from UIElement.)
StylusMove (Inherited from UIElement.)
StylusOutOfRange (Inherited from UIElement.)
StylusSystemGesture (Inherited from UIElement.)
StylusUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
TargetUpdated (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
TextInput (Inherited from UIElement.)
ToolTipClosing (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
ToolTipOpening (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
TouchDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
TouchEnter (Inherited from UIElement.)
TouchLeave (Inherited from UIElement.)
TouchMove (Inherited from UIElement.)
TouchUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
Unloaded (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)

Explicit Interface Implementations

See Also