
The following classes are available globally.

  • Provides support for displaying and updating items within a Gantt Chart diagram, using an item manager object and considering a specific (or the preferred) timeline, viewport (to filter visible items on), row height, and hour width values (controlling the vertical and horizontal zoom levels), and offering supplemental information such as the total diagram size for further virtualizing diagram viewing. Used as common user interface service provider for GanttChartContent components for macOS and iOS.

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    public class GanttChartContentController : GanttChartCollectionObserver, GanttChartDiagramGenerator
  • Provides simple diagram algorithms to be used by an associated controller. Returns direct segment dependency polylines.

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    public class GanttChartDirectDiagramGenerator : GanttChartDiagramGenerator
  • Provides support for browsing and updating items and dependencies to be displayed within a Gantt Chart diagram, filtering them upon the specified row range and timeline values, and offering supplemental information such as the total row count and preferred timeline for virtualizing diagram viewing. An object may inherit from this class to virtualize data loading and updating events to offer the best possible runtime performance.

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    open class GanttChartItemManager : GanttChartItemFactory
  • Gantt Chart item manager that hosts items and dependencies within exhaustive arrays. May be used instead of an object inheriting from GanttChartItemManager when the data set is small and the runtime performance is not a concern.

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    public class GanttChartItemSource : GanttChartItemManager
  • Item to be displayed in a Gantt Chart diagram at a specified row, spanning a specified time interval.

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    public class GanttChartItem
  • Dependency to be displayed in a Gantt Chart diagram between specified items.

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    public class GanttChartDependency
  • Provides support for displaying a Gantt Chart diagram synchronized with an associated timeline header. Scrollable timeline is initialized through the content controller. Visibility schedule, hour width, and zoom level are initialized through the header controller. Scrolling and zooming operations performed by the end user are later synchronized between the header and content controllers. Used as common user interface service provider for GanttChart components for macOS and iOS.

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    public class GanttChartController
  • Provides support for displaying the header rows of a Gantt Chart diagram, considering a specific timeline, viewport (to horizontally filter visible time areas on), and hour width value (controlling the horizontal zoom level), and offering supplemental information such as the total diagram size for further virtualizing diagram viewing. Used as common user interface service provider for GanttChartHeader components for macOS and iOS.

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    public class GanttChartHeaderController
  • Allows selecting date-time intervals by specifying week and day intervals, and optionally excluding time intervals returned by a specific function.

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    open class ScheduleDefinition
  • Schedule definition object that has week and day intervals predefined, and excluded intervals specified as an exhaustive array, optionally supplemented by an interval provider object that would return further excluded intervals upon request.

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    public class Schedule : ScheduleDefinition
  • Intersection between multiple schedule definition objects.

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    public class ScheduleIntersection : ScheduleDefinition