
public struct GanttChartHeaderRow

Defines a header row for a Gantt Chart diagram. Multiple time selectors may be applied on each header (possibly generating overlapping intervals). However, a single selector is usually enough (generating all intervals needed for the header row).

  • Undocumented



    public init(_ selectors: [TimeSelector])
  • Undocumented



    public init(_ selector: TimeSelector)
  • Used to select time intervals and generate labels to be displayed for them within the header row. (A single object within the supported array is enough most of the time.)



    public var selectors: [TimeSelector]
  • Allows selecting a style for any specific time area generated by the time selector(s) of the header row by calling a client function with an argument of time interval type for that area.



    public var styleSelector: GanttChartHeaderCellStyleSelector?
  • Default style for time areas generated by the time selector(s) of the header row, used if a style selector is not set.



    public var cellStyle: TimeAreaStyle?
  • State information identifying the external context (such as a data object) that the item is associated to. Set it upon item construction to be able to use it within specific protocol function handlers that receive the item among arguments.



    public var context: Any?
  • Initializes a header row with a time selector obtained based on specific time interval type, using an optional locale and other arguments indicating whether to display interval labels rather than simple start labels and what separator string to place between end labels. The default label format for the specified time interval type is used.



    init(_ intervalType: TimeIntervalType,
         locale: Locale? = nil,
         intervals: Bool? = nil, separator: String? = nil)
  • Initializes a header row with a time selector obtained based on specific time interval type and label format, using an optional locale and other arguments indicating whether to display interval labels rather than simple start labels and what separator string to place between end labels.



    init(_ intervalType: TimeIntervalType, format: TimeLabelFormat,
         locale: Locale? = nil, intervals: Bool? = nil, separator: String? = nil)
  • Initializes a header row with a time selector obtained based on specific time interval type and format string, using an optional locale and other arguments indicating whether to display interval labels rather than simple start labels and what separator string to place between end labels.



    init(_ intervalType: TimeIntervalType, format: String,
         locale: Locale? = nil, intervals: Bool? = nil, separator: String? = nil)
  • Initializes a header row with a time selector obtained based on specific time interval type and date and time styles, using an optional locale and other arguments indicating whether to display interval labels rather than simple start labels and what separator string to place between end labels.



    init(_ intervalType: TimeIntervalType,
         dateStyle: DateFormatter.Style? = nil, timeStyle: DateFormatter.Style? = nil,
         locale: Locale? = nil, intervals: Bool? = nil, separator: String? = nil)
  • Initializes a header row with a time selector obtained based on specific time interval type and date formatter object, using other arguments indicating whether to display interval labels rather than simple start labels and what separator string to place between end labels.



    init(_ intervalType: TimeIntervalType, formatter: DateFormatter,
         intervals: Bool? = nil, separator: String? = nil)
  • Initializes a header row with a time selector obtained based on specific time interval type and associated label generator.



    init(_ intervalType: TimeIntervalType, labelGenerator: TimeLabelGenerator?)