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To be able to select assignments from a hierarchy of resources when using GanttChartView component of Gantt Chart Hyper Library for HTML5/JavaScript® (or Gantt Chart Web Library for ASP .NET), you may use TreeGrid component from the separate product of DlhSoft Hyper Library. See this sample application.

By default, summary values are automatically aggregated on parent tasks based on child tasks in Gantt Chart enabled controls within Gantt Chart Light Library. How can this behavior be disabled, and set up the parent tasks to be displayed as standard tasks in the chart area? You can disable the automatic summary value aggregation feature by setting GanttChartItem.I…

Gantt Chart Light Library includes sample applications showing the way we can hierarchically sort GanttChartItem objects based on their content (i.e. task name) when using the GanttChartDataGrid control, upon using an external ToggleButton. How can we update the code to hierarchically sort data based on specific properties and update user interface accordingly whe…

If you need to use a parent-children based node or data hierarchy as a data binding source for the DataTreeGridView control from Hierarchical Data Library for Windows® Forms or for the GanttChartView control from Gantt Chart Library for Windows® Forms, you can do it by using the HierarchicalDataAdapter component from the DataControlLibrary assembly (included with…

In order to provide hierarchical sort operations for data bound to the TreeListView control within Gantt Chart Library for WPF or Project Management Library for WPF you need to write custom code. You can view a complete implementation example of the above within the Sorting sample application for the TreeListView control. Where can I find sample applications?