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In order to set the item (row) height within a component from Gantt Chart Library for WPF or Project Management Library for WPF you will need to set ItemHeight property values and optionally also BarHeight, BarMargin, and BarVerticalAlignment property values, at the control level (or at the item level, by using the similar attached properties for the appropriate control, such as G…

In order to customize the new task or new predecessor created through NewTask or NewPredecessor events within Gantt Chart Library for WPF or Project Management Library for WPF you should set the Item property value of the NewItemEventArguments object instance received as a paramter of your event handler to the custom new item you need. Furthermore, you can use the Paramet…

For the most common scenarios, you can customize the Gantt Chart task bars presented by the GanttChartView, GanttChartDataGrid, ScheduleChartView, and ScheduleChartDataGrid controls from Gantt Chart Light Library by defining values for StandardTaskTemplate, SummaryTaskTemplate, and MilestoneTaskTemplate properties, specifying the user interface to be lo…

We dyanmically increase and header and/or item heights within chart-based list view controls of Gantt Chart Library for WPF or Project Management Library for WPF. However, decreasing them doesn't perform automatically on those components, because the minimum header height of a chart-based list view control is bound to the value of the ac…

Although our Light Library components do not offer ItemsSource properties to address custom item collection data binding (being designed for performance), it is usually enough to apply the built-in TaskItemsConverter (or ResourceItemsConverter) to your own data collections to prepare GanttChartItem (or ScheduleChartItem) collections that can be directly set as component I…

GanttChartDataGrid component from Gantt Chart Light Library defines the AreIndividualItemHeightsAppied property that allows developers to configure specific ItemHeight values on specific GanttChartItem objects. However, because of an issue occuring inside the WPF based DataGrid control that the component internally uses, the actual data grid row presenters would …