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How can I customize the appearance of the current time vertical bar or highlight specific time intervals using vertical bar providers in Gantt Chart and relarted controls within Gantt Chart Library or Project Management Library? You can show vertical bars to highlight certain moments or time intervals in the chart area using a customized VerticalBarProviders collection se…

How can I highlight specific time intervals using vertical bars in Gantt Chart and relarted controls within Gantt Chart Light Library? You can show vertical bars to highlight certain time intervals in the chart area using a customized Scale object instance added to the Scales collection of the control, having the following properties values set: HeaderHeight: zero (the ps…

Becuase of a known vertical scrolling issue of the core DataGrid control that our GanttChartDataGrid control reuses, we have decided to disable the vertical scroll bar of the chart area (right side) to avoid any visual inconsistences between the thumb heights of the vertical scroll bars, while continuing to synchronize the actual positions of the left and right panes internally. …