The AllocationItem type exposes the following members.




Allows inheriters to submit custom item property changes to the undo queue.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
CheckAccess (Inherited from DispatcherObject.)
CoerceValue (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Gets a value that indicates whether the current item has the specified item as a direct or indirect, and an implicit or explicit predecessor in the hierarchy.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Equals (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
GetHashCode (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
GetLocalValueEnumerator (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
GetType (Inherited from Object.)
GetValue (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Provides a way for inheriters to specify the managed items collection that will store the new child items specified to be loaded during VirtualSummaryInitiallyExpanded event handling.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
InvalidateProperty (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Raises the ActualDisplayLineIndexChanged.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Raises the ActualDisplayRowIndexChanged.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Raises the AssignmentsChanged event.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Raises the BarChanged event.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Raises the ContentChanged event.
(Inherited from DataTreeGridItem.)
Updates appropriate internal properties of the current task item, and raises the DependenciesChanged event.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Raises the DisplayLineIndexChanged event.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Raises the DisplayRowIndexChanged event.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Raises the ExpansionChanged event and updates appropriate internal properties of the current item.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Raises the HasChildrenChanged event.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Raises the HierarchyChanged event.
(Inherited from DataTreeGridItem.)
Raises the ItemHeightChanged event.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Executes internal predecessor related data management, updates appropriate internal properties of the current task item, and raises the PredecessorsChanged and DependenciesChanged events.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Updates appropriate internal properties of the current task item, and raises the TimingChanged event.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Raises the VirtualSummaryInitiallyExpanded event.
(Inherited from DataTreeGridItem.)
Raises the VisibilityChanged event.
(Inherited from DataTreeGridItem.)
ReadLocalValue (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Allows inheriters to pause propagation of property changes to the undo queue for a specific property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Reschedules the current item to finish on the specified date and time.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Reschedules the current item to start on the specified date and time.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Allows inheriters to resume propagation of property changes to the undo queue for a specific property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
SetCurrentValue (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
ShouldSerializeProperty (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Returns a string that represents the current item.
(Inherited from DataTreeGridItem.)
Updates the IsActuallyCollapsible property value, if needed, based on the current runtime conditions.
(Inherited from DataTreeGridItem.)
VerifyAccess (Inherited from DispatcherObject.)


Indicates the ComputedBarFill dependency property.
Indicates the ComputedBarMargin dependency property.
Indicates the ComputedBarStroke dependency property.
Indicates the ComputedBarWeight dependency property.
Identifies the Units dependency property.


Gets the actual index of the line that the current item is displayed at within its parent ScheduleChartItem in a ScheduleChartView control (if DisplayLineIndex is null, it returns 0). This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets the actual index of the row that the current item is displayed at in the GanttChartView control (if DisplayRowIndex is null, it returns the containing collection index of the current item). This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Iterates all level child items of the current item down in the hierarchical collection.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Iterates all level parent items of the current item up in the hierarchical collection.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the current task item is to be considered when dependency constraints are enforced (by default true). This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets the assignments of the current task item as a (usually string) value to be displayed in the view. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets the assignments cost of the task, summing up DefaultResourceUsageCost or SpecificResourceUsageCosts, and DefaultResourceHourCost or SpecificResourceHourCosts multiplied by work effort hours (for standard tasks). The value is eventually multiplied by assignment allocation units (if set).
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether and how the bar of the current task item is going to be displayed in the chart view. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets the baseline (estimated) duration value of the current task item, based on the BaselineStart and BaselineFinish property values.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets the baseline (estimated) finish date and time of the current task item. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets the baseline (estimated) start date and time of the current task item. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Iterates the direct child items of the current item in the hierarchical collection.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets the completed effort value of the current task item, based on or updating the CompletedFinish property value accordingly.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets the finish date and time of the completion time interval of the current task item. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets the completion rate value of the current task item (between 0 and 1), based on or updating the CompletedEffort property value accordingly.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets the computed brush to be used for displaying the allocation bar of the current item in the LoadChartView control (based on the Units property value and allocation brush definitions from the parent LoadChartView control). This is a dependency property.
Gets the computed height value to be used for displaying the task bar of the current item in the GanttChartView control (based on GanttChartView.ItemHeight property value). This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets the computed Canvas.Left value to be used for displaying the task bar of the current item in the GanttChartView control (based on Start property value). This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets the computed margin value to be used for preserving appropriate margins to the allocation bar of the current item in the LoadChartView control (based on the difference between LoadChartView.MaxDisplayedUnits and Units property values). This is a dependency property.
Gets the computed brush to be used for drawing the borders of the allocation bar of the current item in the LoadChartView control (based on the Units property value and allocation brush definitions from the parent LoadChartView control). This is a dependency property.
Gets the computed weight value to be used for displaying the allocation bar of the current item in the LoadChartView control (based on Units property value). This is a dependency property.
Gets the computed width value to be used for displaying the task bar of the current item in the GanttChartView control (based on Finish and Start property values). This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets the computed left coordinate of the baseline task bar of the current item in the GanttChartView control (based on Start and BaselineStart values).
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets the computed width of the baseline task bar of the current item in the GanttChartView control (based on BaselineStart and BaselineFinish values).
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets the computed width value to be used for displaying the completion interval bar within the task bar of the current item in the GanttChartView control (based on CompletedFinish and Start property values). This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets the computed Canvas.Top value to be used for displaying the current item in the GanttChartView control. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets the computed width value to be used for displaying the summary completion interval bar within the task bar of the current item in the GanttChartView control (based on completion percent aggregated from child items). This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets the computed DataTemplate to be used for displaying the current item in the GanttChartView control (standard task, summary task, or milestone task), based on the current task item properties and position in the containing hierarchical collection. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets the content of the current item, displayed within the DataTreeGrid control. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from DataTreeGridItem.)
Gets or sets the total cost of the task, summing up ExecutionCost and ExtraCost.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets the DataTreeGrid control instance of the current item.
(Inherited from DataTreeGridItem.)
DependencyObjectType (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Dispatcher (Inherited from DispatcherObject.)
Gets or sets the index of the line that the current item should be displayed at within its parent ScheduleChartItem in a ScheduleChartView control (null by default, displaying the item at the containing collection index). This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets the index of the row that the current item should be displayed at in the GanttChartView control (null by default, displaying the item at the containing collection index). This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets the duration value of the current task item, based on or updating the Finish property value accordingly.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets the effort value of the current task item (identical to duration for standard tasks), based on or updating the Finish property value accordingly.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets the execution cost of this task.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets a Visibility value that indicates whether the current item has an expander to be displayed, i.e. it is a parent node. This is a dependency value.
(Inherited from DataTreeGridItem.)
Gets a Visibility value that indicates whether the current item is collapsed in order to display its expansion state in the view. This is a dependency value.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets the extra cost of the task, summing up TaskInitiationCost, AssignmentsCost, and child task costs (for summary tasks).
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets the finish date and time of the current task item. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets the finish delay time span value of the current task item, based on the BaselineFinish property value.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets the finish date and time, and also updates the start date and time of the current task item preserving its effort. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the item's fixed effort, when HasFixedEffort is set to true, is preserved by updating item's Finish date and time rather than assignments' allocations. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets the IGanttChartView control instance of the current item.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets an associated external globally unique key for the current item.
(Inherited from DataTreeGridItem.)
Gets whether the current item has children within the containing hierarchical collection, except that it always returns false when IsSummaryEnabled is set to false (in such case, HasHierarchicalChildren property may be used instead). This is based on a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the item's effort (as computed at the time of scheduling) should be preserved upon duration updates by applying changes to the assigned resources if the item has resource assignments. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets whether the current item has children within the containing hierarchical collection. This is based on a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets a value that indicates whether the current task item has its work started, based on the Completion property value.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets the hierarchical indentation level of the current item in the containing collection. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from DataTreeGridItem.)
Gets the indentation width of the current item, based on Indentation and DataTreeGrid.IndentationUnitSize. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from DataTreeGridItem.)
Gets or sets the index of the item in its owner collection.
(Inherited from DataTreeGridItem.)
Gets a string value representing the index of the current task item within the GanttChartView host.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets a value that indicates whether the item is currently collapsible and expandable, based on the IsCollapsible and/or CollapsibilityMaxCount settings.
(Inherited from DataTreeGridItem.)
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the user can edit the timing values of the current task item in the control by drag and drop operations applied on its associated display bar. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets a value that indicates whether the Thumb controls of the task item bar should enable the user to edit the timing values of task items in the control by drag and drop operations (the Thumb objects would be enabled if GanttChartView.IsBarReadOnly attached property is set to false on the item). This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current node should be collapsible and expandable from the user interface when it's a parent node; null by default, indicating that CollapsibilityMaxCount limit applies, if defined. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from DataTreeGridItem.)
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the current task item is completed (triggering CompletedFinish property value to be equal to Finish property value). This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets a value indicating whether WbsIndexString has been set to a custom value for this task item in the GanttChartView host.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the current item is expanded or not, if it is a parent node (i.e. has child items). This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from DataTreeGridItem.)
Gets a value indicating whether there is positive finish delay on the current task item, based on the BaselineFinish property value.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current item is hidden in the view. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from DataTreeGridItem.)
Gets a value indicating whether the current item is considered as a leaf within the containing hierarchical collection.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the current task item is to be displayed as a milestone (and triggering Finish property value to be equal to Start property value). This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the current task item is to be considered when aggregating child items and computing parent summary task values. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
IsSealed (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Gets a value indicating whether there is positive start delay on the current task item, based on the BaselineStart property value.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the current task item is to be considered as a summary task and aggregate child item values. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets (or sets) a value that indicates whether the current item is (or was) visible inside the scrolling view box when using virtualization mode (when GanttChartView.IsVirtualizing or GanttChartDataGrid.IsVirtualizing is set to true). This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets whether the current item is considered and presented as a summary node even when it doesn't have child items. When a node is set as a virtual summary its initial expansion state is set to collapsed, and the VirtualSummaryInitiallyExpanded event will occur when it will be expanded for the first time, allowing child item initialization (lazy loading). This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from DataTreeGridItem.)
Gets whether the current item is visible in the view (a parent node that is not expanded would have its child items not visible). This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from DataTreeGridItem.)
Gets or sets a value that indicates the background of the item row in the grid and/or chart view. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets a value that indicates the foreground of the item row content in the grid and/or chart view. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets the specific height that the current item should use to be displayed in the GanttChartView control when AreIndividualItemHeightsApplied property of the containing control is set to true (by default Auto, i.e. NaN). This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets an associated external numeric key for the current item.
(Inherited from DataTreeGridItem.)
Gets or sets a value indicating the order index to consider for this item upon leveling resources, among siblings with the same number of dependency ancestors. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets the LoadChartItem that hosts the current allocation item.
Gets the ILoadChartView control instance of the current item.
Gets or sets the maximum finish date and time of the current task item (applied when possible). This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets the maximum start date and time of the current task item (applied when possible). This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets the minimum finish date and time of the current task item (applied when possible). This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets the minimum start date and time of the current task item. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets the direct parent item of the current item in the hierarchical collection.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets the predecessor collection of the current task item used to define dependencies (to be displayed as polyline arrows between dependent task bars in the view). This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets a string value representing the predecessors of the current task item and including dependency type abbreviations and/or lag times (in hours) within the GanttChartView host, based on or updating the Predecessors property value accordingly.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets the preferred start date and time of the current task item. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the item's working time should have the minimum number of nonworking beaks between Start and Finish. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets an object that indicates the working and nonworking time intervals that should apply to this item in the Gantt Chart.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets the ScheduleChartItem that hosts the current Gantt Chart item, when used within a Schedule Chart view.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets the IScheduleChartView control instance of the current item, when used within a Schedule Chart view.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets the start date and time of the current task item. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets the start delay time span value of the current task item, based on the BaselineStart property value.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets the start date and time, and also updates the finish date and time of the current task item preserving its effort. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets an object that contains information that is associated with the current item.
(Inherited from DataTreeGridItem.)
Gets the total completed effort of the task, multiplying its completed duration by its total assignment allocation units.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets the total effort of the task, multiplying its duration by its total assignment allocation units.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets the total completed effort of the task, considering its duration, assigments, and resource schedules, if defined.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets the total effort of the task, considering its duration, assigments, and resource schedules, if defined.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets or sets the units value of the current allocation item. This is a dependency property.
Gets a Visibility value that indicates whether the current item is (or was) visible inside the scrolling view box when using virtualization mode (when GanttChartView.IsVirtualizing or GanttChartDataGrid.IsVirtualizing is set to true). This is a dependency value.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Gets a Visibility value that indicates whether the current item is visible in the view. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from DataTreeGridItem.)
Gets or sets a string value representing the work breakdown structure index of the current task item within the GanttChartView host.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)


Occurs when the ActualDisplayLineIndex property value of the current item changes.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Occurs when the ActualDisplayRowIndex property value of the current item changes.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Occurs when assignments change for the current task item.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Occurs when any elements of the task bar change.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Occurs when content changes for the current item.
(Inherited from DataTreeGridItem.)
Occurs when the predecessor collection changes or any predecessor changes for the current task item.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Occurs when the DisplayLineIndex property value of the current item changes.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Occurs when the DisplayRowIndex property value of the current item changes.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Occurs when the expansion state of the current item changes.
(Inherited from DataTreeGridItem.)
Occurs when the HasChildren property value of the current item changes.
(Inherited from DataTreeGridItem.)
Occurs when the hierarchy (i.e. indentation level) changes for the current item.
(Inherited from DataTreeGridItem.)
Occurs when the ItemHeight property value of the current item changes.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Occurs when an internally managed data dependency property value of the item changes.
(Inherited from DataTreeGridItem.)
Occurs when predecessors changes for the current task item.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Occurs when a data property value of the item changes.
(Inherited from DataTreeGridItem.)
Occurs when a timing related property of the current task item changes.
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)
Occurs once, when the current item gets expanded for the first time, and only if it is set as a virtually summary, allowing child item initialization (lazy loading).
(Inherited from DataTreeGridItem.)
Occurs when visibility of the current item changes.
(Inherited from DataTreeGridItem.)

Explicit Interface Implementations

Gets the predecessor collection of the current task item used to define dependencies (to be displayed as polyline arrows between dependent task bars in the view).
(Inherited from GanttChartItem.)

See Also