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| Personal License Single developer Up to 2 dev. computers
| Small Team License Up to 3 developers Up to 6 dev. computers
| Small Business License Up to 5 developers Up to 10 dev. computers High priority support
| Business License Unlimited developers Unlimited dev. computers High priority support Access to private betas
| Personal Plus License Single developer Up to 2 dev. computers Source code included
| Business Plus License Unlimited developers Unlimited dev. computers High priority support Access to private betas Source code included
Standard Edition | €179 | €238 | €298 | €596 | €612 | €932 |
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Review licensed components
DlhSoft.HierarchicalData.LightWPF.Controls assembly (version 4)
– DlhSoft.Windows.Controls.DataTreeGrid
DlhSoft.HierarchicalData.Silverlight.Controls assembly (version 4)
– DlhSoft.Windows.Controls.DataTreeGrid
DlhSoft.OrganizationalChartLibrary.Controls assembly (version 4)
– DlhSoft.Windows.Controls.OrganizationalChartView
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