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If you need to set up specific resource assignment allocation units (percent values) for items within task management grid controls (such as within GanttChartTaskListView control) use this syntax: ResourceName [PercentValue%] Example: John [75%]

We usually answer all received support requests (such as asked questions or reported issues) in at most 2 working days. Anyway, if you sent us questions or issues within an e-mail message delivered to our e-mail address, and haven't yet answered after that period, it's possible that one of the following situations has occurred: The message has been filtered to our Junk Mail folder…

DlhSoft can confirm that both applications and components run successfully on 64-bit Windows® platforms. Although installers set up software folders within the 32-bit Program Files, all our .NET assemblies have been built using Any CPU option, so that they are actually automatically just-in-time compiled appropriately on the 64-bit platforms (.NET Framework takes care of this oper…

Referring to Gantt Chart Library for WPF and/or Project Management Library for WPF, here are some clues to understand better both the architecture of the DlhSoft software components and how to use them with (or without) data binding: First of all, TaskManager class is a business logic provider (a different class, without any UI) for…

The End User License Agreement (EULA) documents for DlhSoft products can be downloaded and read by using the links below: EULA for applications; EULA for .NET, Silverlight™, and UWP (WinRT) development components; EULA for ASP .NET development components; EULA for JavaScript® development components.