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If you have a schedule definition string and would like to dynamically create a schedule object represented by that string (for example, to set it as the Schedule property of a Gantt Chart control), you can use the approach presented below (note that ScheduleDefinitionManager is a static class available within DlhSoft.Windows.Data namespace, and hosted by DlhSoft.ProjectData.Core…

If you need to define a custom Schedule object in Gantt Chart Library for Windows Forms you can only do it at the global level: DaytimeInterval[] defaultScheduleIntervals = new DaytimeInterval[] { new DaytimeInterval(8, 6) }; // Starting from 8 AM, 6 hours Dictionary<DayOfWeek, DaytimeInterval[]> specialDayOfWeekScheduleIntervals = …

If you need to define a custom schedule (specifying working and nonworking time for different days), time scale (displayed time headers), and/or timeline page (scrollable time interval) within Gantt Chart Library for WPF or Project Management Library for WPF, check the Custom Schedule, Custom Scale, and Custom Timeline sample applications for the control …

How can I define a specific work schedule and/or limits for the displayed week and day in Gantt Chart Light Library? The work schedule and visible time limits can be set up using these properties: Working|Week|Start Visible|Day|Finish Any combination of the columns above is permitted, generating properties such as WorkingWeekStart, WorkingW…

What is a Gantt Chart? A Gantt Chart is a bar chart that presents items (such as tasks in a project) horizontally aligned to a timeline (usually available as chart header scales), vertically positioning data either as a single bar or as multiple bars per row. Some Gantt charts may also show dependencies between items (i.e., predecessor links). What Gantt Chart component types does DlhSoft offer? A…

How can I define and display task interruptins within Gantt Chart Light Library controls? You need to provide some custom code and bar templating. Our Bar Templating sample application for GanttChartDataGrid control shows, among other features, how to display interrupted bars for tasks, based on custom collections of interruption objects.

Question: Why are there multiple Gantt Chart products available for sale from DlhSoft? For example: Gantt Chart Light Library for Silverlight/WPF, Gantt Chart Library for WPF, Project Management Library for WPF, Gantt Chart Library for Windows® Forms, etc. Answer: In short, we offer several Gantt Chart enabled component libraries because we have tried to carry out multiple incompatible customer re…