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If you need to set up specific resource assignment allocation units (percent values) for items within task management grid controls (such as within GanttChartTaskListView control) use this syntax: ResourceName [PercentValue%] Example: John [75%]

We usually answer all received support requests (such as asked questions or reported issues) in at most 2 working days. Anyway, if you sent us questions or issues within an e-mail message delivered to our e-mail address, and haven't yet answered after that period, it's possible that one of the following situations has occurred: The message has been filtered to our Junk Mail folder…

DlhSoft can confirm that both applications and components run successfully on 64-bit Windows® platforms. Although installers set up software folders within the 32-bit Program Files, all our .NET assemblies have been built using Any CPU option, so that they are actually automatically just-in-time compiled appropriately on the 64-bit platforms (.NET Framework takes care of this oper…

To enable auto-scheduling behavior on GanttChartDataGrid or GanttChartView component of Gantt Chart Light Library for Silverlight™ and WPF, Gantt Chart Hyper Library for HTML5/JavaScript®, or Gantt Chart Web Library for ASP .NET, you may set AreTaskDependencyConstraintsEnabled property of settings.areTaskDependencyConstraintsEnabled field to true. When auto-scheduling is turned o…

How can we set the background of the Gantt Chart area of the components within Gantt Chart Library for WPF or Project Management Library for WPF? You should set the WorkingTimeBackground and NonworkingTimeBackground properties of the control, representing the brushes to use for paiting the working and nonworking time intervals within the Gantt Chart area.

I am not able to convert specific C# sample applications, such as Bar Templating sample, to Visual Basic®. Can you help? We have manually converted the Bar Templating sample application for GanttChartTaskListView control (within Gantt Chart Library, using build 4.0.0) to Visual Basic®: Gantt Chart Bar Templating Visual Basic® sample.

The Bar Templating sample applications included with the product are using WPF attached properties to add special bar templating information to TaskItem objects (DependencyObject based). If you data bind the control ItemsSource to plain objects or to a rows in a DataTable/DataView, you are unable to use attached properties. To be able to customize the standard task bar template without using a…

In order to set the item (row) height within a component from Gantt Chart Library for WPF or Project Management Library for WPF you will need to set ItemHeight property values and optionally also BarHeight, BarMargin, and BarVerticalAlignment property values, at the control level (or at the item level, by using the similar attached properties for the appropriate control, such as G…

In order to cancel NewTask or NewPredecessor event within Gantt Chart Library for WPF or Project Management Library for WPF you should set the Cancel property value of the NewItemEventArguments object instance received as a paramter of your event handler to true.

Trying to build and run a component sample from one of the DlhSoft products, such as Hierarchical Data Library, Gantt Chart Library, or Project Management Library, an error is generated, similar to this: Unable to resolve type 'DlhSoft.Namespace.Type, DlhSoft.Assembly' What is the problem? You may have installed the product in a differen…

When you need to display multiple instances of the same control base type such as GanttChartDataGrid or ScheduleChartDataGrid from Gantt Chart Light Library you may find that the columns are actually applied only to one loaded instance. This behavior is caused by the fact that in order to allow developers to easily get started with our component we have …

Our components, such as Hierarchical Data Library, Gantt Chart Library, or Project Management Library, have not been designed nor developed with direct COM or ActiveX accessibility (such as from within previous versions of Microsoft® Dynamics®/Navision) as a goal. However, they are able to be interfaced and accessed through COM and ActiveX based s…

I initialize some tasks (GanttChartItem objects) within a Gantt Chart enabled control from Gantt Chart Light Library without setting any completion value, but at runtime I see some completion bars initialized. What happens? By default, GanttChartItem.CompletedFinish property is set to DateTime.Today. Therefore, if you initialize tasks to be displayed in t…

Where can I find the default styles and templates for a DlhSoft component library, such as Hierarchical Data Library, Gantt Chart Library, or Project Management Library? The control styles archives (containing XAML resources for different available themes) can be found among other product sample applications (after the product overview sa…

Where can I find get started documentation for a DlhSoft component library, such as Hierarchical Data Library, Gantt Chart Library, or Project Management Library? General Documentation (including a Get Started section) can be found after you installed the trial version of the product, in Start menu / DlhSoft product menu / Documentation, …

Where can I find questions and answers (FAQ) for a DlhSoft component library, such as Hierarchical Data Library, Gantt Chart Library, or Project Management Library? Questions and Answers pages can be found after you installed the trial version of the product, in Start menu / DlhSoft product menu / Documentation, being presented as links …

Where can I find samples for a DlhSoft component library, such as Hierarchical Data Library, Gantt Chart Library, or Project Management Library? Sample applications can be found in the Samples Web page of the product (displayed within a table), available from the product information page menu. Alternatively, they can also be found after y…

If you have a schedule definition string and would like to dynamically create a schedule object represented by that string (for example, to set it as the Schedule property of a Gantt Chart control), you can use the approach presented below (note that ScheduleDefinitionManager is a static class available within DlhSoft.Windows.Data namespace, and hosted by DlhSoft.ProjectData.Core…

Can we use controls from DlhSoft component libraries within our own component library projects? Our components, such as Hierarchical Data Library, Gantt Chart Library, or Project Management Library, can be used (as clearly mentioned within the EULA documents) ONLY for developing applications (that have executable targets). Moreover, you …

In order to customize the look (i.e. style and template) of a control from Gantt Chart Library for WPF or Project Management Library for WPF, you can start by using the default control style (or template) value which you can obtain, in clear XAML, from the Generic.xaml file from our Gantt Chart Control Styles sample archive, and apply your own changes to it, for …

By design and by default, to-Finish dependency types generate before constraints (i.e. the dependent task cannot finish after the predecessor's start/finish). Sometimes, this may be inconsistent with your requirements, which might require after constraints for to-Finish dependency types (i.e. the dependent task cannot finish before the predecessor's start/finish). To show you how you can resolve t…

By design and by default, when the end user drags and drops task bars in the Gantt Chart area, dependency constraints are applied within a standard task property change strategy indicated below: Start property value of the dependent task is changed during the drag and drop operation execution; When Start changes, Finish property value is updated in order to preserve task duration; Start and finish…

How can I define a fully custom scale type, with custom header text items in Gantt Chart Light Library? You should set the ScaleType and/or HeaderContentFormat properties of the Scale object to Custom, and define its custom scale intervals and/or header text items in code behind (after applying template): <pdgcc:GanttChartDataGrid.Scales> <pd…

If you need to define a custom schedule (specifying working and nonworking time for different days), time scale (displayed time headers), and/or timeline page (scrollable time interval) within Gantt Chart Library for WPF or Project Management Library for WPF, check the Custom Schedule, Custom Scale, and Custom Timeline sample applications for the control …

In order to use custom task identifiers or keys instead of the standard indexes and predecessor indexes within Gantt Chart Library for WPF or Project Management Library for WPF you need to define such custom properties at task item level and synchronize their values to the original properties used within databinding, and replace appropriate grid column bindings within the user int…

Software designers may use Expression Blend® to fully customize the XAML code for WPF and Silverlight™ components available within certain DlhSoft libraries. However, if you intend to open some component instances such as those available within our sample applications as design root objects in order to customize their settings using this tool, please be aware that…

Sometimes you want to display dependency lines as Bezier segments instead of straight lines and/or allow the end users to create item dependencies using drag and drop operations and delete them using context menu items when you use NetworkDiagramView component of Gantt Chart Light Library. To help you get started, we have prepared a Network Diagram depend…

In order to customize the new task or new predecessor created through NewTask or NewPredecessor events within Gantt Chart Library for WPF or Project Management Library for WPF you should set the Item property value of the NewItemEventArguments object instance received as a paramter of your event handler to the custom new item you need. Furthermore, you can use the Paramet…

Sometimes you want to display predecessors using a custom string format in the Predecessors column of GanttChartDataGrid component from Gantt Chart Light Library. To transform values from the expected format to your custom display time format you can use a WPF converter class. An PredecessorFormatConverter example class is available with full C# …

For the most common scenarios, you can customize the Gantt Chart task bars presented by the GanttChartView, GanttChartDataGrid, ScheduleChartView, and ScheduleChartDataGrid controls from Gantt Chart Light Library by defining values for StandardTaskTemplate, SummaryTaskTemplate, and MilestoneTaskTemplate properties, specifying the user interface to be lo…

If you need to customize the tree cell template of the DataTreeGrid control from Hierarchical Data Light Library or of the GanttChartDataGrid control from Gantt Chart Light Library you should be aware that they don't automatically merge the custom DataTemplates that you might specify as DataTreeGridColumn.CellTemplate and/or DataTreeGridColumn.CellEditTempl…

You can customize the position of the vertical splitter between the left grid and right chart views within Gantt Chart controls from Gantt Chart Library for WPF or Project Management Library for WPF by applying the appropriate Width properties to the node or entity list and Gantt Chart views, as shown within the Splitter Position sample applications available for each ListView bas…

Referring to Gantt Chart Library for WPF and/or Project Management Library for WPF, here are some clues to understand better both the architecture of the DlhSoft software components and how to use them with (or without) data binding: First of all, TaskManager class is a business logic provider (a different class, without any UI) for…

When you handle mouse events and you check the DataContext property of the original source element routed by the event within a Gantt Chart control from Gantt Chart Library for WPF or Project Management Library for WPF, you may find out that its type is not Task, but TimeInterval instead, when the task is a standard task and AreTaskInterruptionsVisible is set to true to display ta…

If you use a ListView based Gantt Chart control from Gantt Chart Library for WPF or Project Management Library for WPF, and you need to present date and time information for task values outside of the GridViewColumn.CellTemplate definitions (such as within a custom Edit Task dialog window), then instead of using the DateTimeBox control (that is pre-customized for showing d…

Silverlight™ and WPF do not include core DateTimePicker controls to be directly usable in CellEditTemplate definitions accepted by the DataGrid based components released by DlhSoft. However, you can the DatePicker control which allows selecting a date and then manually entering the time of day in the textbox, separated by a space. Moreover, we have a FinishDateConverter t…

We dyanmically increase and header and/or item heights within chart-based list view controls of Gantt Chart Library for WPF or Project Management Library for WPF. However, decreasing them doesn't perform automatically on those components, because the minimum header height of a chart-based list view control is bound to the value of the ac…

How can I define a specific work schedule and/or limits for the displayed week and day in Gantt Chart Light Library? The work schedule and visible time limits can be set up using these properties: Working|Week|Start Visible|Day|Finish Any combination of the columns above is permitted, generating properties such as WorkingWeekStart, WorkingW…

Using a DlhSoft component library that you have purchased a license for, you’ll be able to develop as many applications as you wish, and distribute them royalty-free to your customers and other parties, to be run on any number of destination computers, with the exception of Web applications using ASP .NET components which you can only host and redistribute for hosting purposes only. DlhSoft compon…

By default GanttChartDataGrid and GanttChartView controls from Gantt Chart Light Library use virtualization, which means that content template for chart items is actually applied and loaded only when the items get actually visible in the viewport, such as when the end user scrolls down the chart area to view those items. Sometimes, however, you may…

If you need to define a custom column displaying and allowing the end user to edit a task duration in days in Gantt Chart Library for WPF or Project Management Library for WPF you can do it by using the following code (C#), applicable within our Custom Data Binding sample application: // Task class public class CustomTaskItem : INotifyPropertyChanged { …

This document describes the tehnical and legal limitations of DlhSoft component library licensing. By purchasing a DlhSoft component library development license: You are not allowed to develop and distribute your own component library products (targetted to developers) referencing DlhSoft libraries internally. You are allowed to develop such component libraries only for your own reuse in …

To view the the common steps to perform when you want to install and apply a recently purchased DlhSoft component library license file to your development computer(s) please read this article. A multi-project solution sample application, with licensing information applied (i.e. Licenses.licx file placed within the main project, Properties folder) is available for download. It was…

To drag and drop task assignment bars among resource rows in Schedule Chart controls from Gantt Chart Library for WPF or Project Management Library for WPF at runtime, you need to: Hover the assignment task bar you want to move; a dotted line will be displayed at the bottom of the task bar; Move the task bar to a different resource row (i.e. vertically…

The End User License Agreement (EULA) documents for DlhSoft products can be downloaded and read by using the links below: EULA for applications; EULA for .NET, Silverlight™, and UWP (WinRT) development components; EULA for ASP .NET development components; EULA for JavaScript® development components.

Trying to export a bitmap image from Gantt Chart list view controls within Gantt Chart Library for WPF or Project Management Library for WPF you may have found that the image quality may be lower when a large image is exported. The issue you have observed is occuring because to generate the output image the Gantt Chart list view controls use ne…

In my application (that references Gantt Chart controls from Gantt Chart Light Library) I have defined a CustomGanttChartItem object type inheriting from GanttChartItem adding custom properties to be displayed in the grid and/or referenced in custom task templates. However, I loading and saving Project XML files doesn't support loading and saving the custom item type and …

To export data to Microsoft® Project® XML format from Gantt Chart Library or Project Management Library for WPF, you simply need to call the GetProjectXml method of GanttChartTaskListView or ScheduleChartResourceListView components. GetProjectXml returns a string value that you can save to an output file stream using standard I/O features …

If you would like to save PDF files including Gantt Chart images exported from Gantt Chart Library for WPF or Project Management Library for WPF, you can use Aspose.PDF components from Aspose (a third party ISV). A sample application showing how you can perform this task (including commented C# source code) is available for download and…

If you would like to save PDF files including Gantt Chart images exported from Gantt Chart Library for WPF or Project Management Library for WPF, you can use PDF4NET components from O2 Solutions (a third party ISV). A sample application showing how you can perform this task (including commented C# source code) is available for download …

Although our Light Library components do not offer ItemsSource properties to address custom item collection data binding (being designed for performance), it is usually enough to apply the built-in TaskItemsConverter (or ResourceItemsConverter) to your own data collections to prepare GanttChartItem (or ScheduleChartItem) collections that can be directly set as component I…

In order to force WPF to use a specific theme (skin), such as Aero, Luna, Royale, Classic, or Generic when using controls from Hierarchical Data Library for WPF, Gantt Chart Library for WPF, or Project Management Library for WPF you can use one of these approaches: Get the appropriate DlhSoft control style and template definitions for the specific theme you want to apply (extracti…

What is a Gantt Chart? A Gantt Chart is a bar chart that presents items (such as tasks in a project) horizontally aligned to a timeline (usually available as chart header scales), vertically positioning data either as a single bar or as multiple bars per row. Some Gantt charts may also show dependencies between items (i.e., predecessor links). What Gantt Chart component types does DlhSoft offer? A…

We use data binding to custom task data item objects within Gantt Chart Library for WPF or Project Management Library for WPF. How can we highlight critical tasks, as casting custom item objects to TaskItem (as indicated within the DlhSoft Critical Path sample application) wouldn't work? If your custom task data item class inherits from…

With .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 it is difficult to deploy WPF browser applications that include DlhSoft WPF controls on the Internet zone, because in order to be able to run properly, our components require full trust permissions. However, in order to be able to run a full trust WPF browser application on a client machine, the end user requires to manually set up the Web address of th…

By default, summary values are automatically aggregated on parent tasks based on child tasks in Gantt Chart enabled controls within Gantt Chart Light Library. How can this behavior be disabled, and set up the parent tasks to be displayed as standard tasks in the chart area? You can disable the automatic summary value aggregation feature by setting GanttChartItem.I…

Gantt Chart Light Library includes the PertChartView control that can also be used in Windows® Forms applications, provided that you can use .NET Framework 4 (or a more recent version). A sample application is available showing how you can integrate lightweight WPF controls (including PertChartView) in your Windows® Forms products: Gantt Chart Light Library Windows® Forms I…

Gantt Chart Light Library includes sample applications showing the way we can hierarchically sort GanttChartItem objects based on their content (i.e. task name) when using the GanttChartDataGrid control, upon using an external ToggleButton. How can we update the code to hierarchically sort data based on specific properties and update user interface accordingly whe…

Gantt Chart Light Library includes only a WPF based sample application showing the way we can data bind the GanttChartDataGrid control to a database (Tasks table and its Predecessors relation). How can we data bind the control to a database from Silverlight™? Silverlight™ is a client side technology within a client-server architecture system, that also requires a Web serve…

If you would like to load data from Microsoft® Project® document files (.MPP) and present it using Gantt Chart Library for WPF or Project Management Library for WPF, you can use Aspose.Tasks components from Aspose (a third party ISV). A sample application showing how you can perform this task (including commented C# source code) is available for…

GanttChartDataGrid component from Gantt Chart Light Library defines the AreIndividualItemHeightsAppied property that allows developers to configure specific ItemHeight values on specific GanttChartItem objects. However, because of an issue occuring inside the WPF based DataGrid control that the component internally uses, the actual data grid row presenters would …

In order for the components within Gantt Chart Library for WPF or Project Management Library for WPF to be able to refresh their user interface when object property values change within your data bound custom task or other type of items, you need to make sure that you custom item class implements the INotifyPropertyChanged interface (as other standard controls require). To…

Since January 2013, DlhSoft updates the product build upgrade policy as indicated below: Currently, when DlhSoft customers need to use the most recent product builds after purchasing a product license, they can simply download and install the newest package from our Web site and are able to apply the original license file to the software even when it has been purchased a very long time ag…

Asynchronous data loading mode is enabled by design and by default when you use components from Gantt Chart Light Library. However, some operations, such as LevelResources or SaveProjectXml require that all data is loaded in order to consider the entire project as data source; otherwise, when such operations are executed, they will consider only the actual…

If you purchase a license for a DlhSoft product version build (e.g. 3.1.9) of one of our component libraries (e.g. Gantt Chart Light Library), it will also: entitle you to obtain free resolutions for technical issues you discover and report to DlhSoft within the product during the guarantee period (see the product EULA); even after the guarantee period, DlhSoft will try to continue resol…

In order to manage input key shortcuts such as disabling built-in key shortcuts and/or defining custom key shortcuts for different commands in controls within Gantt Chart Library for WPF or Project Management Library for WPF you need to manage the InputBindings collection of the appropriate control instance. You can view an optional implementation example of the above (co…

Is there a maximum time interval duration value (used for example, as the maximum task duration) within Gantt Chart Library for WPF or Project Management Library for WPF? Yes, to improve performance, such a maximum duration values is defined within the Schedule object instances. By default it is set to about 2 years (730.5 days), but it can be modified by inheriting from the Sche…

Some customers have informed us about unexpected memory leaks occuring within components of Gantt Chart Library for WPF or Project Management Library for WPF in certain conditions. Most of the times the issue reports were false as the "leaks" were being caused by caching features, and other times the issues have been found underneath the controls themselves. However, we wo…

If you want to upgrade from Hierarchical Data Library for Windows® Forms, from Gantt Chart Library for Windows® Forms, or from Project Management Library for Windows® Forms to the WPF version(s) of the same product(s), please be aware that: The Windows® Forms and WPF versions of the DlhSoft products are in different products designed and developed fr…

The standard WPF components from DlhSoft (such as those included in Gantt Chart Library) include extended support for developing client applications using the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern (included by Prism guidance), by providing access to most of their features through two-way bindable dependency properties, built-in and custom commands, and routed events, whene…

Our components, such as Hierarchical Data Library, Gantt Chart Library, or Project Management Library, have NOT been designed nor developed with running on Mono project (on Linux operating systems) as a goal. Although they may be able to run on that platform (and the negative case is also possible), we do NOT support it. We recommend running our c…

If you need to set up mouse based panning besides the standard scrolling behavior of the Gantt Chart components within Gantt Chart Light Library, you may adapt and use this code (Silverlight™): GanttChartDataGrid.ApplyTemplate(); bool isPanning = false; double originalMouseX = 0, originalMouseY = 0, originalScrollX = 0, originalScrollY = 0; …

How can I define an overriding set of columns within a DataGrid-based control of Gantt Chart Light Library? You need to define a full column collection as the Columns property value: <pdgcc:GanttChartDataGrid.Columns> <pdgcc:DataGridColumnCollection> <hd:DataTreeGridColumn Header="Task"/> <dataControls:DataGridTextColum…

If you reinitialize the Items collection of the Silverlight™ based Gantt Chart components from Gantt Chart Light Library, you may notice that sometimes the reload operation runs slower than the initial load of a large data amount, although this issue doesn't occur with the same WPF based components and the same data amount. Based on our investigations, we have fo…

Before continuing to the next steps that allow you to improve performance for the components in the main WPF libraries, to address performance issues, you should be notified that: We have developed a new set of Gantt Chart components for WPF (and Silverlight™) with less customizability, but significantly higher performance: Gantt Chart Light Library for Silverlight™/WPF; If you have a lic…

Dependening on the number of items loaded and displayed, a short time interval of low responsiveness may occur in the Gantt Chart controls when the end user clicks one of the extra horizontal scroll buttons (i.e. timeline page update buttons) to navigate to the past or to the future of a displayed project, or when the timeline page is dynamically changed from code within Gantt Chart Light…

We use Gantt Chart controls within Gantt Chart Library for WPF or Project Management Library for WPF. How can we develop a Print Preview feature in our application, instead of simply executing the Print command? We offer a DocumentPaginator object for each Gantt Chart control included within our libraries (e.g. GanttChartTaskList…

Do the DlhSoft components within Gantt Chart Library for WPF or Project Management Library for WPF provide printing support? Yes, please review the source code of the Printing sample applications for the included controls. Where can I find sample applications?

By default, the printing behavior of Gantt Chart Light Library components is to split the output content into multiple pages based on the printable page area. However, sometimes you know that your data source and timeline page duration are both small, and you would like to implement an alternative printing behavior: printing all content of the component scaled up…

For your reference, a class diagram (possibly partial, depending on the actual product that you use) indicating the generic project management logical entities and their relations is presented below:

Generally, you shouldn't need to refresh the user interface of our WPF or Silverlight™ controls manually, as they would automatically refresh themselves whenever the data changes, provided that the bound collections implement INotifyCollectionChange (or IBindingListView), request already fulfilled by ObservableCollection<T> (or BindingList<T>), and that collection item types properly implement INo…

How can we remove one of the two vertical scrollbars of composite Gantt Chart controls within Gantt Chart Library for WPF or Project Management Library for WPF? You should set the ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility property value to Hidden at the composite control level.

Sometimes when you use components from Gantt Chart Light Library you may want to replace some resources used internally by the components, together with replacing component styles and templates using our Generic.xaml default definitions which, by the way, you can download from our Web site, both for Gantt Chart controls and for PERT Chart components (note…

A set of GanttChartTaskListView control samples is available, showing how you can customize the user interface of Project Management Library or Gantt Chart Library components to get more similar to the application style of Microsoft® Project® 2010 (with the most recent product version): Milestone Dates sample: Shows how to display milestone dates in the Gantt Chart view of the…

We handle CollectionChanged and/or PropertyChanged events of items to save changes made by the end user to the underlying data using controls within Gantt Chart Light Library. However, we have found that these events occur several times, and therefore they are not appropriate for saving changes back to a server or database from inside the handler methods.…

While the WPF demo application allows the end user to export images from Gantt Chart Light Library components and save them as images files on their computer, in the Silverlight™ demo (i.e. Get Started sample) application we have only shown how you can export images from Gantt Chart Light Library components and present them within external Image elements. However, you can also save the image data …

If you want to customize assignment and resource tooltips within the ScheduleChartResourceListView and/or ScheduleChartView controls from Gantt Chart Library for WPF or Project Management Library for WPF, you need to define: GanttChartViewAssignmentTemplate and/or GanttChartViewItemTemplate (properties of the control). Examples are sho…

The initial selection may not be highlighted in the view, and/or SelectionChanged event from a DataGrid-based control within Gantt Chart Light Library may occur twice when selection changes. To resolve these situations, you can use the internal DataGrid for setting selection and handle selection events; moreover, you should set the initial selection onl…

I need to set DependencyType and/or Tag properties of the new PredecessorItem object created when the end user performs a drag and drop operation to define a new dependency between two tasks (drawing a dependency line between two task bars) in the GanttChartDataGrid or GanttChartView control of Gantt Chart Light Library. You need to handle the CreatingDepe…

How can I customize the appearance of the current time vertical bar or highlight specific time intervals using vertical bar providers in Gantt Chart and relarted controls within Gantt Chart Library or Project Management Library? You can show vertical bars to highlight certain moments or time intervals in the chart area using a customized VerticalBarProviders collection se…

How can I highlight specific time intervals using vertical bars in Gantt Chart and relarted controls within Gantt Chart Light Library? You can show vertical bars to highlight certain time intervals in the chart area using a customized Scale object instance added to the Scales collection of the control, having the following properties values set: HeaderHeight: zero (the ps…

In order to provide hierarchical sort operations for data bound to the TreeListView control within Gantt Chart Library for WPF or Project Management Library for WPF you need to write custom code. You can view a complete implementation example of the above within the Sorting sample application for the TreeListView control. Where can I find sample applications?

How can I specify a special day of the week as nonworking time within a Gantt Chart control from Gantt Chart Light Library? For example, usually at museums both Saturday and Sunday are working days, and only Monday is defined as nonworking time. The WorkingWeekStart and -Finish properties of the component are useful when the nonworking days are at…

Is it possible to use custom task appearance (as indicated in Custom Appearance sample application) or task bar templating (as indicated in Bar Templating sample application) within the Gantt Chart control from Gantt Chart Library for WPF or Project Management Library for WPF data binding it to a collection of custom task item data obje…

If in your application you use controls oriented to displaying both tasks (GanttChartView or GanttChartTaskListView) and resources (ScheduleChartView or ScheduleChartResourceListView), and you want a way to synchronize the colors (appearance) of the task bars displayed within the two charts, you should set IsItemAppearanceApplied property to true …

Is it possible to have a parameter defined at the task level that would trigger the Gantt Chart control from Gantt Chart Library for WPF or Project Management Library for WPF to show task bars using different task bar colors? You need to set the attached property GanttChartView.StandardBarFill (of type Brush) for stan…

The tasks within Gantt Chart Library for WPF or Project Management Library for WPF are defined using these main timing related properties: Schedule: defines working and nonworking time for the task on the timeline (for example, Monday-Friday 8 AM - 4 PM is working time, each week, no holidays); if schedule is null for a specific task (default situation)…

At initialization time, task items are defined using these main timing related properties: Start: date and time value to start work; Finish: date and time value to finish work; if you need to compute it based on the Start value and an effort value, use the GetFinish method provided by the component instance: item.Finish = component.GetFinish(item.Start, effort); CompletedFinish: date and time val…

How can I define and display task interruptins within Gantt Chart Light Library controls? You need to provide some custom code and bar templating. Our Bar Templating sample application for GanttChartDataGrid control shows, among other features, how to display interrupted bars for tasks, based on custom collections of interruption objects.

In order to automatically get tasks selected within Gantt Chart Library for WPF or Project Management Library for WPF when the end user clicks anywhere on the task row, including within an edit control in the ListView, you should handle a the previou mouse left button down event and select the task bound to the event original source element in code behind. You can view a …

If in your application you use composite control instances (such as GanttChartTaskListView or ScheduleChartResourceListView), and set their timeline page values (i.e. the time interval that would be horizontally scrollable within the internal chart areas) using SetTimelinePage calls, for example, sometimes you might notice that immediately after the setting, the…

Our components, such as Hierarchical Data Library, Gantt Chart Library, or Project Management Library, have not been designed nor developed with unmanaged (non-.NET) code accessibility (such as from custom executable applications written using other tools) as a goal. However, they are able to be accessed through unmanaged code using .NET interoper…

DlhSoft provides specific SharePoint® Web parts for these products (available as extra downloads): Gantt Chart Web Library. You can also use any of the ASP .NET, HTML5, or Silverlight™ controls within Gantt Chart Web Library, Gantt Chart Hyper Library, or Gantt Chart Light Library in a SharePoint® Web part. (For Silverlight™ components, you may use the Silverligh…

DlhSoft provides specific LightSwitch® extensions for these products (available as extra downloads): Gantt Chart Light Library. Microsoft® reference indicates that Silverlight™ (and recently, HTML5) components may be reused in LightSwitch® applications either as they are or wrapped up within specific custom components. You can also wrap the Silverlight™ components as LightSwitch® e…

Becuase of a known vertical scrolling issue of the core DataGrid control that our GanttChartDataGrid control reuses, we have decided to disable the vertical scroll bar of the chart area (right side) to avoid any visual inconsistences between the thumb heights of the vertical scroll bars, while continuing to synchronize the actual positions of the left and right panes internally. …

Regarding DlhSoft development components, are there Visual Basic® sample applications available, too? Currently there are some Visual Basic® sample applications available for DlhSoft development components. They are specifically marked as "Visual Basic® sample" in the sample list. For your easy reference, Visual Basic® sample applications for the commonl…

ASP .NET, HTML5, and Silverlight™/WPF-based products are now available on our Web site: Gantt Chart Web Library for ASP .NET; Gantt Chart Hyper Library for HTML5; Gantt Chart Light Library for Silverlight™/WPF; Hierarchical Data Light Library for Silverlight™/WPF. Separately, note that you may also use WPF components from other products in your Web applications as they c…

Question: Why are there multiple Gantt Chart products available for sale from DlhSoft? For example: Gantt Chart Light Library for Silverlight/WPF, Gantt Chart Library for WPF, Project Management Library for WPF, Gantt Chart Library for Windows® Forms, etc. Answer: In short, we offer several Gantt Chart enabled component libraries because we have tried to carry out multiple incompatible customer re…